Can you help an old player ? [ENG][PL]

Discussion in 'Help' started by MrGarlik, Jan 4, 2018.

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  1. MrGarlik

    MrGarlik Forum Greenhorn

    [ENG]Hello, I've been playing this game about 7 years ago with a group of friends, and I decided to come back and play again. But first I need some help, Can you please tell me what happened to the Asian server ? All I remember is that we were playing on that server, and it was dominated by turkish brotherhood called TC*, and the only player I remember that might still play is Croppelka. I tried to find her but I couldnt. And also one more thing, we are originally from Poland and we were using polish language in chat, and now when I join the Asian server, I cant use polish, just english. What happened ?

    Last edited by moderator: Jan 4, 2018
  2. Welcome back, Mr. Garlik.

    Many things have changed over the last 7 years, as I am sure you have noticed. Can I suggest that you start back by refreshing your knowledge of the game? Take a little time to read the Seafight bible in the language of your preference.

    Finding your old group of friends is going to be your job, unfortunately. We cannot assist you in that process. I do wish you luck in that endeavor.

    Language changes have been implemented, to make the server Mods jobs easier. It may take a little while to get used to a new way of communicating.

    Is there anything else that I may be of assistance with?
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