Can you..?

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by eχpert_witneЅЅ, Oct 20, 2023.

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  1. eχpert_witneЅЅ

    eχpert_witneЅЅ Forum Apprentice

    can you redistribute the league rewards like you did in rift? i can barely stand in first 10 among robots :) i deserve a 30day-buff for that, dont you think?

    can you come with events in which concept ammos are legendary voodoo blast and voodoo doom ammo, football ammo, reinforced explosive ammo and put them in the market in a way that we can get unlimited access? also maybe scrap ammo for pve servers? and can you bring back all the gold ammo just for nostalgia?

    can you remove the notifications for sentinel's ammo usage from the logbook?

    can you add some leveled captain's equipment to bucanneer shops that we can buy with eskudo coins and etc?

    last but definitely not least, can you rework on the audio of the game? i am playing a totally silenced game with all the effects closed, because of so much noise and low-quality sound works. This is kinda sad for fans of this game (such as me)...
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
    Bawdyn and The*Defiant like this.
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