Cannon Damage

Discussion in 'Help' started by Hey*hey, Sep 5, 2017.

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  1. Hey*hey

    Hey*hey Forum Greenhorn

    I have only 66 cannon damage for some reason, and i got a mix of devastators, doomhammers, some firestorms, etc.. I'm pretty confused of why that is so low?
  2. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    are u familiar with the new castle changes,,maybe your prob is there
  3. Hey*hey

    Hey*hey Forum Greenhorn

    yeah, i had them all fixed, when they came out with the new ones. And i just did a scroll and got more cannon % damage and its now at 26 lol. idk whats happening.
  4. buriedtreasure

    buriedtreasure Forum Greenhorn

    if your looking, do not : be useing turtle light, have rep balls, wood balls etc equipped, pick a ammo you will base all your values off, usually hollows and flares. is what i use. do not be with behem,sun map grace period, or plague. with 266 cannon and hollows im 25.4, ice ammo 111. so im guessing its your ammo making the huge effect. also cannon type has little to no effect if your useing hollows cheking values ( can dmg)
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Is this still an issue.

    Is it just a display error, what are you actually hitting npcs for and which ammo are you using.
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