cannon dmg

Discussion in 'Help' started by longjohn1961, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. longjohn1961

    longjohn1961 Forum Apprentice

    longjohn1961 39/36997230

    Hi. my question is a simple one, i have the cannon buff from latest event but i noticed i do only 2 types of hits, 8200 and 10400 .... where has when no buff my dmg goes below 8k up to 10k and every where inbetween. that's with full lvl 5 60s.

    Can't understand why the dmg goes up and down so much? surely it shud hit at one dmg lvl?

    that's it bye :)
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Are you speaking of the Polished Muzzle buff? Sometimes when that buff is applied to an account, the damage becomes steady for a player. There will be normal hits then the Critical hits. When you do not have that buff, the damage will vary much more. As your cannons are only accurate to a certain percentage, you will not always hit your target thus your damage will vary. Does this help?
  3. longjohn1961

    longjohn1961 Forum Apprentice

    Hi and yes it was the polished muzzle buff. but why does the dmg go up and down so much? we dont change any thing ie powders skills castles ....
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Damage oscillates because your cannons are only 75% accurate (if you have elite cannons). So some times, more cannons will hit the target than other times, resulting in more damage. Does this make sense mate?
  5. longjohn1961

    longjohn1961 Forum Apprentice

    no harm in asking .. ty :)
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Glad to help mate :)

    As the question is solved, I will now close.

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