Cannon Hit Points

Discussion in 'Help' started by kittystomper2, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    In the Bible it says Admirals give 5 additional damage points when shooting p ammo. It also says level 5 60 pound cannons gives 10 additional damage points when shooting p ammo.

    Based on this a 1:1 comparison with all things being equal, if you swapped out 100 admiral cannons for 100 level 5 60lb cannons you would do more damage. Right?
    Doesn't matter if have buff or not, or what cannon balls you shoot, plus skills and castles exactly the same.

    So, when I swap em out, why do I hit less with the 60 pounders?
    Wølƒunbannedforever likes this.
  2. SSmonster

    SSmonster Forum Greenhorn

    because as your ratio as you stated if changed 100 for 100 you still have more addys thus your hitting at addy rate adjusted
    admirals are good for hollows and ep 55-60s are for fighting more crits etc just a thought
  3. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    That was good advice, I had more addy's on than 60's and switched that and it increased so thanks....
    Wølƒunbannedforever likes this.

    OFFnGONE Forum Apprentice

    The only effective way that I have found to really test your cannons is to go into the scrolls. Pick out large ships, like 315k -750K HP and count the total the number of shots needed to sink them, divide that number into the total HP and walaa you will find which are better by the average per shot. Of coarse you have to change out the cannon between waves.

    I usually use like wave 18 19 and 20 in the cap scroll. Because I want a large number as my base to find a true average.

    I wont give you the answer but there is a difference. Have fun.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As the OP's question has been answered, I will close this thread.

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