Cannon Loader

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, Aug 29, 2017.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    As part of your change to the Castles I have this entry in my logbook saying that I received a level 6 cannon loader and prior to this change I had a level 6 cannon loader, but I only have a level 4 one now.

    2017-08-29 10:41:46
    You received -1 x Cannon loader of level 6. Reason: Booster Compensation

    Also, this level 4 loader is only 1.6 sec reduction and my previous level 6 was 2.5 sec. Now, even if I do get the level 6 one, that the log entry says I should have, it will only give me a 2 sec reduction. Even the new level 8 loader is now only 2.4 sec. And it will cost me 870k pearls to upgrade to that level 8 loader and that doesn't include the 260k pearls to upgrade the slot from level 6 to 8. So 1130k pearls to not even get back to where I was!?

    Can you give me the level 6 loader that the log book claims I got? Better yet, can you give me the level 8 slot and loader so I'm where I was before? I see that there are 300k pearls in 'compensation', but it should be 1130k pearls, so you owe me the slot/loader or another 830k pearls.

    At the very least this whole thing should be explained, in detail, to us.
  2. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    You should have been given compo for any castles which they levelled down to enable you if you wish to return those castles to the level you had previously. The bad bit is the values of these castles have now changed to the new rates.
  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    Yes, I mentioned that I got 300k pearls.

    After reading other posts (General Questions, Open Beta Discussion), I understand better what they've done.

    <rant @BP>
    The confusion was caused by the poorly worded log entry that says that I recieved a level 6 loader but it really means 'we took away your level 6 loader and gave you back the pearls you paid for it'. You need to have a native English speaker review these notifications before they send them out.

    For players that are primaily PvP this change has minimal impact as all players have the same changes. For PvE players this is a huge step backwards unless they also reduce the firing rate of the NCPs by the same amount.

    For those of us that don't have time to play the Beta server or hang around in Discord this change came as a complete surprise. I had to spend a lot of time reading posts on the forum to figure out what had happened. A post, with all of the details of the changes, to the official announcements and the newsletter before the changes happened would have avoided a lot of the confusion, anger and frustration that this has caused.
  4. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    I fully agree with that, a lot of the backlash could of have been avoided if the reason for the downgrade of castle values was announced prior, if the compensation was announced and explained fully, and it was announced that Castles will be unequipped after the update. A big mistake on BigPoints part.

    I also would have liked a full FAQ to be released with an update of this size, explaining to users exactly how to equip Castles, upgrade, etc. Personally, I did not have an issue with this, I took to it rather easily on the beta server, and by the time it was on the live server it was second nature. However, for players who did not play the beta, this was a huge change and really confusing to a lot.

    phantomraspberry** and Bawdyn like this.
  5. As this has been answered

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