Feedback Cannon loading time

Discussion in 'Help' started by santrans, Aug 21, 2017.

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  1. santrans

    santrans Forum Apprentice

    I have noticed that, there is something wrong about the computation of cannon loading time.

    ex. if your cannon loading time are 8 sec.and you apply a cabin boys which 40% you have the result of 3.2 sec. then minus to 8 sec. you have 4.8 sec.

    8 sec. base loading time x 40% cabin boys = 3.2 sec.
    8 sec. - 3.2 sec. = 4.8 sec. your new loading time. If this new loading time is applying the fore castle 1st level 0.4 sec, it will give you (4.8-0.4=4.4),2nd level (4.4-0.4=4.0),3rd level(4.0-0.4=3.6),4th level(3.6-.4=3.2),5th level(3.2-.4=2.8),6th level(2.8-.5=2.3)plus powder monkey which is not specified the reloading time. Please correct me if these computation is incorrect. And please show me the proper computation
    Treben1960 likes this.
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    To begin with I shall clarify that you can have either Cabin Boys OR Powder Monkeys, both are not active at the same time.

    The Formula is:
    Reload Time = (8 Seconds [Cannon] - 2.6 Seconds [Level 7 Cannon Loader Castle]) * (100% - 40% [Cabin Boys])
    = (8 - 2.6) * (100% - 40%)
    = (5.4) * (60%)
    = 3.24​

    The sum of the absolute values are calculated, then multiplied by the sum of the percentage values. This is how every calculation works in Seafight.

    Destruction likes this.
  3. Deloops

    Deloops User

    As this has been answered.

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