Cannons not equipable

Discussion in 'Help' started by BOMBER890, Dec 6, 2023.

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Was the shop a 'glitch' or not ?

  1. Yes , shop was bugged

    0 vote(s)
  2. No , it was intended to be that way

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  1. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Rymar stop closing please , i'm not violating any rules and no I dont want to contact support. Ty

    I'd like the moderators to explain to us how it could have happened that after a week of the shop being available and multiple screenshots being shared in the discord server where you can clearly see the amount and the price of the cannons how they 'missed this' and what coding went wrong. Just looking for a fair explanation because the patchnotes just sound to me like : we gave them too much good stuff for free , we have to do something. If the devs can't give a good explanation I suggest them to return the items that belong to us. Reason being : contract law , you cannot offer something to someone without delivering the negitiated goods , this is breach of contract. Here is the definition of contract law :
    Contract Law Basics

    A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two parties. A contract must contain these elements:
    • An offer by one party for goods or services.
    • An acceptance of the offer by the other party.
    • Consideration for the offer. There must be a "bargained-for" exchange of value to benefit both parties from the contract.
    • Mutual agreement. Both parties must agree to the terms of the contract. If either party changes any of the terms, it becomes a counteroffer
    We both agreed to the terms that we paid the gingerbread and sticks , you took these away without our permission. This is illegal . You cannot just do that
    It also bothers me that teammembers like Nami and Swift are lying to us and telling us it was a 'glitch' or 'mistake' when they 100% knew of the packs existing. Also there was a patch on 30/11 that changed the amount of dragonpowder in the shop and you're telling me you just missed the cannons that you were offering? Impossible . You also tell us you announced the mistake very early on , but there is no proof of this available , no patch notes , no discord messages , nothing. Give us what we deserve , we all spent time to get the cannons.
    You might think this is best for the future of the game and that you'll be able to milk us like you've been doing for years but I doubt the average player is going to spend any money on this overpriced fraudulent game
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BOMBER890!

    As previously stated please contact Support if you would like to make any further complaints.

    Since you have been redirected to Support this thread should now be closed.


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