
Discussion in 'Help' started by 2wolf7, Jun 29, 2014.

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  1. 2wolf7

    2wolf7 Forum Apprentice

    I have all the skills and castles and I am made up of level 3 55s or better including 60s and voodoos but still don't seem to be hitting that high with p ammo. And others hit me for like 53k! How do they do this and is it better to run only 55s and 60s or should I add m voodoos
  2. Chadvader

    Chadvader Junior Expert

    When you say you have 60's what level are they, because you wont get the full affect/power from them untill they are lvl 5. Also i would use the voodoo cannons as you will hit more with them. 55's aint very good anymore to be honest mate, best to get 60's lvl 5 and voodoos, you will notice a big difference. If you can full voodoos but if not 60's lvl 5 next best thing
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you chadvader,

    Has this helped you 2wolf7?
  4. 2wolf7

    2wolf7 Forum Apprentice

    thanks close
  5. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Closed on request

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