cant advance to level 5

Discussion in 'Help' started by maj9577, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. maj9577

    maj9577 Forum Apprentice

    Shiver- as stated in a previous thread. I completed all level 4 quest and then I paid the 9000 pearls to skip pirate test to move to level 5. I don't care about the rewards I would just like to move up. here is my info.
    User ID 40/41975540
    Server: USA 1(east coast)

    Thank you for your help
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As stated to the previous poster, if you can provide the log book entry for this purchase I can manually move you up.
  3. maj9577

    maj9577 Forum Apprentice

    Shiver, Here you go, a copy of the log book and a copy of the quest completed log.
    thank you
    Prize of war2014-02-22 02:12:47
    Real Men2014-02-22 02:10:02
    Forbidden Fruit2014-02-22 02:08:36
    Secret Formula2014-02-22 02:01:35
    Magic Crystals2014-02-22 01:47:06
    Diplomacy2014-02-22 01:41:21
    Pirate test Level 42014-02-22 01:26:21
    Bounty2014-02-19 11:57:35
    Log Book
    2014-02-22 01:34:20Your ship now has 346 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.
    2014-02-22 01:34:16You received 26 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-22 01:28:02The quest has begun. Smooth sailing, Pirate!
    2014-02-22 01:26:21You have taken the Pirate Test 4 for 9000 pearls.
    2014-02-22 01:24:25You received 16684 gold.16'684 Gold
    2014-02-22 01:24:22Your ship now has 1068 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.
    2014-02-22 01:23:41You found 4 flask(s) of mojo on the sea chart.
    2014-02-22 01:23:19You received 106 pearls.106 Pearls
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Maj you stated that you paid 9k pearls for the test, this purchase should also be in the logbook it's that entry that I need.
  5. maj9577

    maj9577 Forum Apprentice

    Shiver -- I don't know why it is not showing the pearl purchase. it shows in the log book above that I paid for it, it just doesn't show that the pearls were deducted. I assure you the pearls were taken from me. However if you were to log into my account and go to do quest you would find that it is frozen with no quest. If you do not believe that I paid the 9000 pearls at least fix this glitch and I will go do it so I am not stuck at level 4. but all the log books above ( quest book, log book) shows you that I either A.) took the test or B.) paid for the test and either way it is not letting me advance. Look at the log book entry 4th row down, and quest book entry 7th row down.
    thank you
  6. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    shiver his logbook entry mfor pearls is there

    its near the bottom the 4th log book entry down
  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Ooops too many questions lol my eyes are tired, I am not having a good week at all. Maj I have manually moved you to the next level.
  8. maj9577

    maj9577 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you
  9. kingkong1021

    kingkong1021 Forum Greenhorn

    I had the same problem from level 3 to level 4. I didn't see it in the logbook, but whatever, I don't care about the pearls or the reward, I just can't go forward because the quest tab crashed. I can't see the exam, and I'm stuck at level 3.

    used id : 634/42184124
    server Global america 2
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  10. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum


    Please repost in your own thread, we will need your user id the server that you play on and a copy of the post from your logbook showing that you started the test at least. We need to know where and when to start looking m8.

    As the op's issue is resolved.

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