Can't buy crystals

Discussion in 'Help' started by Tergrinder, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Active Author

    Now what? When I try to buy crystals at the Market Cove, I click the "buy" button and get the message "This type of currency can't be bought". Since when BP? Never had a problem before buying crystals. If they can't be bought, then why are they listed there at a price of 308 pearls per crystal? I wish you guys would quit jerking us around, this is really getting annoying!
    USA East
    .Imagine. likes this.

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    tried buying as well unable can BP actually find someone that can fix something or should be expecting another item to buy in order to use market
  3. JonnyFive

    JonnyFive Guest

    just tried to buy 2 crystals with pearls this is popup msg. you get.

    System message
    This type of currency can't be bought.
    Pearls you have are now useless so must have to use the cheats exploits to get stuff now.
  4. CaptKatt

    CaptKatt Forum Greenhorn

    Same here can't buy crystals....this type currency can't be bought.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    I am looking into this issue right now. Once I have more information I will let you know. Pending any further information, I will close this thread. I will re-open once I have more.

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