cant buy ebony deck

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~HellRaiser~, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. ~HellRaiser~

    ~HellRaiser~ Forum Greenhorn

  2. kevin119988

    kevin119988 Forum Demigod

    It's a general error.
    This happen with packages voodoo and packages of Seafight Plus.
  3. ~HellRaiser~

    ~HellRaiser~ Forum Greenhorn

    tried multiple times and get the same message . is there a way to fix it ?
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Ok to investigate this I'll need to know a few things first.

    Your user id and the server that you play on?
    What payment method are you using?
    Is there a pop up message or is the page not displaying. If there is a pop up message what does it say?
    And how many decks do you currently have.
  5. ~HellRaiser~

    ~HellRaiser~ Forum Greenhorn

  6. ~HellRaiser~

    ~HellRaiser~ Forum Greenhorn

  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Hi I have inquired about this and I am sorry but I have to ask you to contact the customer care team.

    Please provide all the information asked for in this thread. They should be able to assist further.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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