cant join on seachart

Discussion in 'Help' started by €doardoAC, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. €doardoAC

    €doardoAC Forum Apprentice

    Hello i got a problem joining to the seachart already check the conection cleared the cache cookies and even my history but still the same it says lost conection starts good but right on 19% stops and apear the message.
    Also i agree with xgolf i think they should fix the USA West server couse we deserve it and we got the right couse we paying money to play. we dont break the rules and spend money so please pay us back giving us a good game to play thanks.

    User Name : GoldenGlory.
    ID number: 18709124
    USA West server
  2. Puddles

    Puddles Forum Greenhorn

    I am on Usa west, also having the same problem

    TEX~BULL User

    Th sever has been restarted and all should be working.

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