Can't log in

Discussion in 'Help' started by pwaalios, Sep 25, 2019.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. pwaalios

    pwaalios Advanced

    Cannot start the game - constant msg lost connection. Can you sort it?
  2. pwaalios

    pwaalios Advanced

    OK, working now. Close it please.
  3. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    before they close it I will explain the error and what to do. In this instance, the lost connection was because there was a restart due.

    whenever you try to get onto the sea page and it says lost connection, this is because there is an imminent restart on the server. when this happens, ask your guildmates for what time the restart will happen, then grab some refreshments and take a break until it's happened :)
    bodean likes this.
  4. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello pirate,

    Your fellow pirate is correct , thank you turnip. As requested by OP this thread shall now be closed.


    ~turnip~ likes this.
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