Castle day, didnt see a 25% off discount..?

Discussion in 'Help' started by pricemc, Apr 25, 2014.

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  1. pricemc

    pricemc Forum Apprentice

    I recently used pearls to upgrade a slot to lvl 5 as well as purchase the lvl 5 re loader castle for the supposed Castle day discount. How ever it seemed to of cost the same thing. slot cost 80k pealrs and upgrade of cannon reloader cost 125k pearls, and this is the original amount before the sale. Any chance on getting my discount for that purchase?

  2. ~Giggles~

    ~Giggles~ Forum Greenhorn

    It doesn't start till noon server time.
  3. pricemc

    pricemc Forum Apprentice

    i thought it is noon server time right now, or 12:49pm, if not then why did the game pop up with the advertisement that directed me to the castle menu if the castle day hadnt started. If thats the case that was a very good trick by seafight.
  4. -KillerKen-

    -KillerKen- Active Author

    are you in the same time zone as your server? noon server time on my server is 1pm in my timezone. maybe it's the same way for you?
  5. pricemc

    pricemc Forum Apprentice

    i honestly have no idea if im in my own server time. i was just led to believe it was the castle sale because of the pop up when i logged in.
  6. -KillerKen-

    -KillerKen- Active Author

    the easiest way to tell if ur in the same timezone as ur server is to see what time u get ur daily login bonus cuz u get that at midnight server time. so if u get that at say 1am ur time then add 12 hours to that to find noon server time in ur time. and all those pop ups usually appear b4 the thing actually begins.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Your fellow pirates are correct. The sales start at 12 noon server time. This is whether or not the pop up is showing. As always, the price you see in the castle section is what you pay. If they are not 25% off then you will not receive the discount.
  8. pricemc

    pricemc Forum Apprentice

    k thank you for the reply and showing me my error. Is there any way how ever to maybe get seafight not to put announcement links up that are misleading like the one for the catle day in the future... there was no mention in the pop up that it wasnt time yet, as well as the fact it takes you to the castles menu could make some believe the discount was in effect.
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Your feedback has been noted and will be forwarded to the appropriate people.

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