Castle Days?

Discussion in 'Help' started by .THE_RADIANT_LIGHT., Aug 29, 2017.

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  1. Will we get one soon?
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    That is unknown. We will just have to wait and continue to watch the Official Announcements to see when the next Castle Day shall appear.

  3. G°ºš€[ÙƒA]

    G°ºš€[ÙƒA] Forum Apprentice

    If I was to guess, it will be probably this week or the next, just guessing lol. It's been awhile since the last one.
  4. ~AVIT~

    ~AVIT~ Someday Author

    castle day wos once every 3 mouths but now who knows addy canons wos 1st sunday in mouth in market but not now day guess we will c
  5. Deloops

    Deloops User

    ~AVIT~ likes this.
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