Support Castle Elite ammo not working

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by christich, Oct 7, 2017.

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  1. christich

    christich Junior Expert

    This new castle on crew deck (FEROCIUS BOOKEEPER) isnt working,even i got it 8/8 even i got it 0/8 i still do the same damage with elite ammo,can u check it please?
  2. Beorn

    Beorn User

    Hello there, christich

    Are you sure you have your Fercious Bookkeeper equiped in your Shp Castle section?

    Here you can check thread how to equip castles.

    If you still experience same problem, please give us your server and ID, so we can check what is the problem
  3. christich

    christich Junior Expert

    Im pretty sure that they dont work i have them equiped already,also im not the only one have this problem,other guy noticed that and told me ,and then we tried and watched the results were as we expected,nothing changed at all in our dmg.
    my server is west coast 2 ,id 146/41880848
  4. This has been forwarded. Your castle has been looked at, and it has tested

  5. Your Castle has been tested. It is functioning properly.

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