Castle Update

Discussion in 'Help' started by G-dude, Sep 3, 2017.

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  1. G-dude

    G-dude Regular


    With the new Castle update I found myself a tad bit confused when accessing the castles through the Seachart. In that confusion, I mistakenly upgraded Shipwrights Schematics to level 8 as well as the accompanying castle slot. Could you please reverse this purchase?

    2017-09-03 10:09:24
    You received 1 x Shipwright's Schematics of level 8. Reason: Acquisition
    2017-09-03 10:09:24
    480000xPearls was/were removed. Reason: Castle module.
    2017-09-03 10:09:17
    You received 1 x Castle Slot of level 8. Reason: Acquisition
    2017-09-03 10:09:17
    260000xPearls was/were removed. Reason: Castle slot.

    Best Regards,

    User ID:
  2. Deloops

    Deloops User

    Ahoy G-dude,

    have you tried contacting support?
  3. G-dude

    G-dude Regular

    I have not. The forum has always been of much greater convenience for such matters in the past.
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