Cauldron Issue

Discussion in 'Help' started by -✰ᎵᎥᏒᎪᎢᎬ✰ᎠᎪᏔᎶ✰-, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. I sent a video with the cauldron messing up to support and was told that it was getting turned in to "programmers"?

    What the issue is, is that when throwing in 100 mojos (more than 10 anyways), the list of items are not all showing up in the box to the right, nor are all the jokers showing up like they should in the "joker box", but when look in the logbook the items do show up. So when go back to throw more mojos the X6 joker isn't showing up, thus not getting getting those jokers. It is kind of hard to explain, but I did send the video in to support to show what it is doing.

    Was just wondering if anything was being worked out, throwing 5 at a time is a pain, IMO. LOL
  2. þHĂÑTιήλтоя

    þHĂÑTιήλтоя Someday Author

    they fixed that. Once you hit x6 your joke is used automaticly it is not a glitch you can no longer get x9 or x10 joker. As to not all the items showing up, I believe they group together so if you threw 10 and 4 of those are armors you will only see one listing for armor, if that makes sense.

    Plus since you sent it to support they will tell you not to double post
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As you have contacted our Customer Care Team, we are unable to comment on this issue.

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