Changes to the General Terms & Conditions Effective as of June 24, 2014

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jun 23, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Changes to the General Terms & Conditions Effective as of June 24, 2014

    Dear Players,

    On June 24, 2014, Bigpoint shall make changes to its General Terms & Conditions.

    We hereby wish to explain which changes were made and why.


    Q: Are all players be affected by the change?

    A: The change affects all player accounts registered with Bigpoint Sarl & Co, SCS. Players registered with Bigpoint Inc. are not affected and shall therefore not be asked to accept the new Terms & Conditions.

    Q: What changes will be made to the General Terms & Conditions?

    A: As you may have already noticed, the so-called EU Directive on Consumer Rights came into force on June 13, 2014. This Directive's purpose is to harmonize consumer rights within the European Union, especially within online shopping.

    An example: Should you as a citizen of the EU buy items online from another EU country, you must no longer worry about whether or not the same cancellation policy exists in the other country as in yours. Starting as of June 13, 2014, the right to cancellation shall be the same across all European Union countries.

    Q: Must I re-accept the General Terms & Conditions?

    A: Yes, since we too had to adapt the provisions to our cancellation policy. The new Terms & Conditions take effect as of June 24, 2014. We are therefore obligated to ask you to explicitly accept the updated General Terms & Conditions.

    For this reason, starting on June 24, 2014, you will be shown a pop-up window with the General Terms & Conditions and you must accept them before being able to continue playing.

    Q: What happens if I do not accept the General Terms & Conditions?

    A: When these General Terms and Conditions take effect, you can of course decide not to accept them. This however shall mean that you will not be able to continue playing the game. Should you wish to take formal action against this, you must do so in writing and you must send your writing in the mail to our office in Luxembourg. The address can be found at the end of the General Terms & Conditions as well as on our company website.

    Your Seafight Team
    CooPer~ and Qayyum_Ismail like this.
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