Bug Changing maps, spawning on random locations.

Discussion in 'Help' started by Marlboro™, Jun 3, 2017.

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  1. Marlboro™

    Marlboro™ Forum Apprentice

    it has happened a few times now, when changing maps, my ship spawns on some random location in the other map, instead of the corner.

    For example, I moved from 9/3 to 10/3 and instead of spawning in the corner, I spawned around 21AN as if I used a teleport.

    This is not bad, actually kindda saves me the time of moving up to the other map :p
    Just thought to let you know, and know for myself whether this is a bug or a feature XD
  2. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Since the new game mechanics were introduced regarding nothing spawning around islands, if you change map into an island you will be placed at a random location in the map. The glitch has been reported, but it may be something they decide to keep.
  3. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Hope this stays as feature, or they move they islands...
  4. Marlboro™

    Marlboro™ Forum Apprentice

    I personally like it, it might interfere when fighting. But generally saves time : P
  5. As this has been answered by your fellow pirate this post is now closed.

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