chat ban after chat ban after chat ban

Discussion in 'Help' started by -๖ۣۜßuکhWλCƘΣЯ™-, Mar 15, 2015.

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  1. chat ban after chat ban after chat ban? for the most silly and stupidest reason ever you might aswell hang a kid for spilling his drink in real life its that bad - your UK Edit banned me on both chat ships aswell as my main banned me on my main for no reason- then banned me disrespecting moderator team cos i called him useless its called feed back he should be able to handle that and then i was going to bed and told him don't be a stranger and then frank spoke so i said p.s dont breed to frank and he bans me again for disrespecting the moderator team you know what i understand if you upped the bans but upping the bans for reasons or mistakes even a seven year old could say then whats the point of talking at all so you can reveiw both Edit and Edit cos to be honest you are just giving players a reason to insult now absolutely silly the bans i been done for like my account to be reviewed on whats been said for my bans and u will see urself its childish on Edit and Edit behalf

    and what makes a moderator so much superior to a player all bans should be equal were all players and people end of day i get called much worse then useless on chat dont see people getting banned for 7 days
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This is not the place to complain about chat bans or moderators behaviour. You will need to use the support team if you wish to complain about moderators. You can also use the chat section of this forum if you wish to complain about the ban.

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