Chat moderation

Discussion in 'Help' started by ๖ۣۜChrıs™, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. ๖ۣۜChrıs™

    ๖ۣۜChrıs™ Forum Apprentice

    I have noticed there has been an ongoing problem with chat moderators

    They seem to be straight on banning people for things which can be argued aren't offensive and dish out lengthy bans.

    However, there isn't any moderation and lengthy bans being produced to those who speak in Turkish or other dialects within the chat.

    I mean if someone says something offensive at least it is in the right lingo. I would rather be offended by the right lingo than have to put up with the endless dribble of whatever language other players are typing. It's worse than spam. At least with spam you can understand what players are saying, this dribble you can't.

    I think BP need to focus on the right things and not the wrong things.

    Foreign language is a big NO.
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    While I cannot go into specifics about accounts, I can inform you that many players who continually break the rules regarding non English are receiving lengthier bans, and at times even ship bans in the hopes that this improves behavior.

    There are plans to possibly include other chat offenses which will result in ship bans.

    We want chat to be a fun place for all, if players are unable to adhere to the rules they are leaving us with no choice.

    I agree that it would be great if we could have moderators on 24/7 however with a small team this is not always possible, however chat logs are reviewed and retrospective bans are applied.

    I will take this opportunity to remind you that players can be put on ignore if it appears that there is not chat moderator on. We do continually try to recruit to the team but this in it's self can be difficult at times.

    As this is not a technical question I shall close. However your feedback is noted.

    ๖ۣۜChrıs™ likes this.
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