Cheaters in the teams

Discussion in 'Help' started by BigDon, Mar 1, 2015.

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  1. BigDon

    BigDon Forum Apprentice

    There are 17 different language teams, in many of these teams are members caught using bots and exploits , cheaters on the team have access to information which exsploits bigpoint can not detect and how to use them with impunity , I would like to ask producers, why do you promote cheaters in teams ? why players who many times they were caught cheating in the game are in the teams? Bigpoint fights with cheaters or help them? , if someone cheated many times the chance that stop is very small , if you accept cheaters in teams , if you accept cheaters in teams, please explain what is their role? you should support the honest players , hard to believe that you are really fight against cheaters .
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Are you accusing the Moderators of cheating?

    I for one, as part of a team, know how the Moderators feel on cheaters, we don't like them as much as you do.

    To even be accepted into a Moderator position, all your accounts will be checked in thorough detail, to be of a fair nature in game play.

    Any Moderator who is caught cheating will be removed from the team and their accounts deleted.

    As for bigpoint's stance against the cheaters, there was an announcement not long ago, called Judgement day, on this day cheaters were given a 2 week warning shot, now, any cheaters found guilty are banned forever.

    As no more can be said, I shall close.

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