
Discussion in 'Help' started by 8luckyjack8, Jun 8, 2014.

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  1. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Where do we report suspected cheaters?

    TEX~BULL User

    You should report anyone you suspect of cheating directly to Customer Care. Send in a ticket with all relevant proof you have and let them investigate.
  3. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    I would like to see everyone acknowledge what is happening in the market cove. One player is winning most of the bids on the best items 24/7. This has been going on for over a week now. Is there anyone "Who Cares" about this?
  4. Madness_051-2

    Madness_051-2 Advanced

    screenshot the market lucky for every hour your on. Double down by hitting "/users" on the seachat to show if that player is on. Collect enough data, someone should be able to do an investigation on the offending ship and empty it of all its contents.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Madness and Tex are both correct, thank you all for posting. Please send in all you can about the players who are cheating. The more information we have against a potential cheater the better. Tex is also correct. Please send this all to support, and do not post it on the open forum. As for "who cares"? We do care and are working a lot behind the scenes to rectify this.
  6. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Thank you. However, after thinking it over, it's becoming very clear to me that BP itself is behind all of the "gold cheats" and all of the other so called "bots" and "bugs". After all have you ever heard of "pearl cheats'?

    My best guess is that BP sells the "bots" and plants the "bugs". If it was just individual players why wouldn't they become "pearl cheats". They could build up their ships a lot quicker with billions of pearls than through hundreds of billions--if not trillions--of gold bidding in the marketplace. Think about it.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You are incorrect mate. The cheats hurt the game and drive players away. There is no one behind it except the bad players who lower themselves to have to cheat to get somewhere in the game. As nothing more will be tolerated of accusations, I will now close. Please send in all cheaters you suspect as they are thoroughly reviewed.

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