Discussion in 'Help' started by SURESCORE, Dec 14, 2013.

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    SURESCORE Forum Apprentice

    Just wanted to inform you that the cheats and exploits are back in Ga2, they are using the usual speed, strength and range , just letting you know that you guys done messed up again, ohh and did i mention the bots, yea been sinking those often, i can get you IDs but you guys will just give them a short ban, then they will jump onto their baby boats and use them so its useless
  2. Mean-Soul

    Mean-Soul Someday Author

    big point are trying there dam hardest to keep cheats away but people bring in new ones so it sometimes takes a while so please give them chance to fix it, i mean for crying out load give them half a [Edit] chance

    Excuse my Language but its fresighting how much people compalin now a days

    Happy sailing all

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    Last edited by moderator: Dec 14, 2013
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for the feedback we will ensure that this is forwarded to the appropriate parites.
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