
Discussion in 'Help' started by SQUEAKY..., Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. SQUEAKY...

    SQUEAKY... Forum Greenhorn

    I want to ask a general question, why are these yanks allowed to come over to the uk, use bots,
    use other cheats, build boats in a matter of days that can sink 4 and 5 year old top of the range accounts.
    I'm sick to the back teeth of the cheats in this game cause they spend some money!
  2. GymRay

    GymRay Forum Greenhorn

    yeah i agree, its so annoying working hard for years to build ship then have botters (cheats) and people that come over from other servers running background software cheats to boost their ships and make all your time and effort completely worthless and pointless, BP need to look in to it and sort it quick
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for your feedback. However all players have a choice on which server they sail. Please be advised that any player found to be using an exploit will be removed from the game play.

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