Chinese New Year Event

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Seren, Feb 20, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Chinese New Year Event

    Ahoy Pirates

    This Saturday at 12 pm (LST) the Chinese New Year Event will take place. To be part of the celebrations we will start a little event. The Lucky Dragon will sail on the maps next to the Save Havens. If you shoot it down (with either gold or pearl ammo) and cause the most damage you have a chance to be rewarded with the Lucky Dragon design or a Dragonfire action item. If you cause the most damage, you will also be rewarded with either 1 – 4 crystals, depending on which level you are shooting the Lucky Dragon on. You will also receive some gold and experience points, depending on how much damage you cause against the NPC.


    Remember: The Lucky Dragon NPCs are divided in 4 levels, so users from every level range have chances to fight this NPC. If you try to shoot a NPC that isn’t in your level range you will only receive a small amount of gold.

    Here are the level ranges:

    Lucky Dragon on map 5/1: can be shot by anyone from level 1-7

    Lucky Dragon on map 7/1: can be shot by anyone from level 1-12

    Lucky Dragon on map 12/2: can be shot by anyone from level 1-17

    Lucky Dragon on map 17/1: can be shot by any pirate from level 17 upwards

    For those who don’t want to fight, we have a sale in the payment. The event will end on 26th of February (Thursday) at 12pm (LST).

    Package Date

    Fengzhou (with gems) 21.02.15 - 26.02.15

    Lucky Dragon 21.02.15 - 26.02.15

    Fengzhou Gems:

    Shining Lapislazuli (70,000 Hit Points)

    Clear Sapphire (40,000 Voodoo Points)

    Shining Ruby (14% Cannon Damage)

    Clear Coral (8% Critical Damage)

    You can also buy a new item, called Dragonfire, which works in a similar way to the Skyfire Explosion, but causes more damage with a shorter range.

    Package Amount Date

    Dragonfire 5 21.02.15 - 26.02.15

    Dragonfire 15 21.02.15 - 26.02.15

    Dragonfire 35 21.02.15 - 26.02.15

    Follow this link to the discussion group

    Your Seafight Team.
    abubadi66 and -Ρŕįєşť- like this.
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