Christmas Mini Game 4: "Starlight Chronicles: A Pirate's Yuletide Mystery"

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Rymar, Dec 22, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Christmas Mini Game 4: "Starlight Chronicles: A Pirate's Yuletide Mystery"

    Ahoy, brave adventurer!

    Immerse yourself in the tale of the lost star, set against the backdrop of the high seas during the golden age of piracy.

    Captain Oliver Bell and his crew have a festive mystery to unravel.

    Can you navigate the twists and turns of this heart warming tale and solve the enigma of the vanished star?

    Time: 22.12 – 24.12

    How to Play:
    • Dive into the captivating story of Captain Oliver Bell and his crew's Christmas escapades.
    • Answer the questions that unveil the details of the merry celebration and the curious disappearance of the starfish.
    • Arrange the letters provided prior to the accurate responses to unveil the solution to the mystery.
    • Write the code without any spaces between the letters.

    On a beautiful December day in 1739, a ship called the North Star sailed across the Atlantic.

    Her captain Oliver Bell was in a very bad mood because he had to leave his wife Charlotte and two sons Edward and Sebastian just before Christmas to steal some presents under the tree on passing ships.

    The crew noticed the captain's bad mood and because they respected him, they decided to bring a bit of Christmas atmosphere to the ship.

    During the night when the captain, tired from the amount of rum the crew had poured him all evening, slept in his cabin, the crew, the ship quietly anchored off a small island, and the helmsman, navigating officer, and sailmaker swam ashore in a small boat.

    There they cut down the only palm tree in the area and quietly carried it back to the ship.

    All night long the crew diligently searched and created various ornaments, with which they decorated the palm tree.

    When the captain woke up in the morning with a terrible headache and went on deck, he saw a palm tree decorated with various objects such as shark teeth, wine corks, chains made from tied scarves, potatoes cut into different shapes and even empty rum bottles clinking against each other.

    A starfish was attached to the topmost leaf of the palm tree.


    The captain was so moved that he gave each crew member one gold coin as a Christmas present and even opened 5 bottles of 37-year-old whiskey from his personal supplies and poured a generous portion into each person's cup.

    Their singing and merriment even attracted a flock of seagulls from a nearby island, who joined the pirates in their shrill cries.

    When they ran out of whiskey, they opened a cask of rum and continued to celebrate.

    One of the seagulls was curious about what was hidden in that mysterious barrel, so he sat down on the edge of the barrel and began to taste.

    After a while, one of the officers noticed him and chased him away.

    After all, only rum is for a pirate as valuable as gold.

    As the sun began to sink below the horizon, the singing faded, and the crew's eyes closed.

    Everyone lay down where they were, and they didn't even mind hard deck boards.

    A cool breeze blew all night and the sound of the waves sounded like a lullaby to the pirates.

    In the morning the captain woke up at dawn and when he looked around and noticed that something was wrong with the Christmas palm tree.

    He took a good look at her and suddenly it dawned on him.

    The star disappeared from the top of the palm tree.

    A Christmas palm tree can't be without a star.

    So, he woke up the rest of the crew and began to investigate where the starfish had gone.

    They all claimed they didn't take her and even though they searched the entire ship they did not find the starfish.

    Who stole the starfish?


    1. How old was the captain's whiskey?
    • B: 75 years old
    • D: 37 years old
    • S: 38 years old
    2. Who hasn't sailed to the island for a palm tree?
    • A: helmsman
    • P: navigation officer
    • R: gunner
    3. What was the name of one of the captain's sons?
    • U: Edward
    • V: Edgar
    • H: Edmund
    4. When did the captain wake up after the wild celebration?
    • N: morning
    • O: at noon
    • C: evening
    5. Which ornament was not on the Christmas palm tree?
    • Q: wine corks
    • I: tied scarves
    • K: eggshells
    6. In what year did this cruise take place?
    • L: 1749
    • M: 1835
    • S: 1739
    7. Where did the sun set at the end of the celebration?
    • F: for the mountains
    • E: beyond the horizon
    • W: just disappeared
    8. Which birds joined the celebration?
    • X: eagles
    • A: seagulls
    • R: albatross
    9. What did the crew get as a Christmas present?
    • N: a bottle of whiskey
    • G: gold coin
    • Y: part of the treasure
    10. Where was the Christmas palm tree placed?
    • U: at the mast
    • T: at the cabin
    • E: on the bow
    11. What was the captain's name?
    • H: Oleander Bell
    • J: Oliver Ball
    • L: Oliver Bell
    12. Who drove the intruders away from the rum barrel?
    • L: officer
    • Z: captain
    • K: helmsman
    Unravel the mystery, and may the stars guide you to the solution of "Who stole the Star?"

    Your Seafight Team
  2. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Really enjoyed the story. Thanks for the rewards. :):):)
  3. phatty-Boastrike

    phatty-Boastrike Junior Expert

    Aaarrgghh!! I tell this story every year, when did seafight copy me story, hmm!?! BP must have heard me read this holiday tale back in me teamspeak years when i was most vocal. Aarrgghh!! Now, where is my loot!! and merry krampus to all ye who are still swashbuckling on this tragedy of a game.
  4. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    no seabunnies!?! thanks for the gifts anyways. Hey phatty i remember you and blacky9 tell some great stories on TS back in the day.
  5. -Lathander-

    -Lathander- Junior Expert

    Thkx for the rewards
    Merry xmas
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since this mini game is now over I shall close this thread.


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