Clash Event September

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Seren, Sep 25, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Clash Event September

    Ahoy Pirates

    We have the Clash Event From 12 noon (LST) and will run until 30th September, 12 noon (LST).


    Burning Ice Ammo will be available in the payment section during the Clash Event (12 noon (CEST) until 30th September, 12 noon (CEST)).

    IMPORTANT: All daily rewards and final rewards will be booked automatically. As usual, after the end of the Clash Event all winners’ accounts will be verified and if any players are found to have cheated in any way, for example by pushing, using exploits or irregularities, we will remove ALL booked prizes from the Clash Event and suspend the account for 90 days! Due to the automatic booking of the rewards, if a player has been banned for cheating, we will not book the next placed player the rewards won by the banned player for either the daily or final rewards.

    Further information can be found in the FAQ's, please leave your feedback in our Discussion Thread.

    Your Seafight Team.

    djt182 likes this.
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