Columbus Day Event 2014

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Seren, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Columbus Day Event 2014

    From 10th October, 12 noon (local server time) until 14th October, 12 noon (LST) you can once again invoke the spirit of the great explorer, Christopher Columbus!

    Questions & Answers

    How can I find the Columbus NPC?

    The Columbus NPC will sail on map level 5 to 20. Keep your eyes peeled and you’re bound to find it. Scouring the seas for this NPC will pay off, as you could get Crystals or one of the three Columbus Designs when you defeat it – but only if you’ve fired the last shot or most damage.

    How can I sink the Columbus NPC?

    You can only defeat the Columbus NPC with pearl ammo, so don’t forget to load up on Flare Ammo before you set out on the Columbus NPC hunt as that will cause a greater amount of damage than normal pearl ammo.

    How can I get the Columbus designs?

    In order to get all three designs you have to shoot the Columbus NPC several times. The first Columbus design you will get is the Veteran design – where there is an equal chance of getting the design compared to Crystals. Then, once you own that design, you could get the Seasoned design, though the chances of getting Crystals are a little higher. Finally, once you have managed to get those two designs, you could get the Patriarch design, though the chances of getting Crystals are much higher! Once you own all three of the Columbus designs you will only be rewarded with Crystals if you sink the Columbus NPC again.

    What stats do the Columbus designs have?

    • The Veteran Columbus has the Chipped Lapislazuli gem (10,000 Hit Points).
    • The Seasoned Columbus has the Chipped Lapislazuli gem (10,000 Hit Points), Chipped Sapphire (10,000 Voodoo Points) and the Raw Ruby (5% Cannon Damage).
    • The Patriarch Columbus has the Gleaming Lapislazuli gem (65,000 Hit Points), Raw Sapphire (25,000 Voodoo Points) and the Smooth Ruby (12% Cannon Damage).
    All three designs have the Cut Garnet gem (10% harpoon damage).

    What else will I get if I sink the Columbus NPC?

    You will get a share of Pearls, depending on how much damage you cause against the Columbus NPC!

    I destroyed the Columbus NPC, but I didn’t get the Columbus Design. Why not?

    You didn’t fire the last shot or cause the most damage! Only the pirate who fires the last shot at the Columbus NPC can receive the Columbus Designs. Don’t give up!

    What else will I find on the Sea Chart during the event?

    During the event there will be 3 other NPCs sailing around on various maps:

    • Santa Maria – map levels 1 - 5
    • Niña – map levels 6 - 15
    • Pinta – map levels 16 - 20

    What rewards can I get from these NPCs?

    From Santa Maria you will get a Crystal for causing the most damage or last shot. In addition, anyone who makes at least 26% damage against the NPC will be rewarded with 1 Crystal. Santa Maria will also drop level 2 Gems to any player that makes at least 26% damage as well as a level 2 Gem to the player who makes the last shot and most damage.

    From Niña you will get a share of Crystals depending on how much damage you have caused. Niña will also drop level 3 Gems to any player that makes at least 26% damage as well as a level 3 Gem to the player who makes the last shot and most damage.

    From Pinta you will get a share of Crystals depending on how much damage you have caused. Pinta will also drop level 4 Gems to any player that makes at least 5% damage as well as a level 4 Gem to the player who makes the last shot and most damage.

    By shooting these NPCs outside your own pirate level range (ie: 1-5, 6-15 and 16-20) you will only be rewarded with Gold.
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