Como hago para que reciba menos daño.

Discussion in 'Help' started by LordSaac, Jan 10, 2019.

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  1. LordSaac

    LordSaac Forum Greenhorn

    Hola quería saber como hago para que reciba menos daño de los Npc ya que el Renombre y Guerrero me hacen un daño de 56mil.
    Y eh visto a otros jugadores que le hace sólo 10mil o menos.
    Quisiera saber que necesito para que me hagan menos daño...aún que sea algo considerable como 30mil de daño que me haga...
  2. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    hola compañero,
    puedes ser más específico? Si quieres recibir menos daño del NPC, debes obtener buenas gemas de protección de Damas de gemas y esquivar la posibilidad, además de intentar obtener habilidades completas y algunas costillas reforzadas.
    También necesitas completar tus castillos.

    Hope this help.



    TEX~BULL User

    I am sorry mate but this is the English language forum. Here is the link to the Spanish Forum:
    >>Spanish Forum<<
    If you would please repost there, they can assist you . Thank you.

  4. Hello wanted to know how I do to receive less damage from the Npc because the popularity and Guerrero do me damage 56mil.
    And eh seen other players that makes him only 10mil or less.
    I want to know that I need to make me less harm... even that is something considerable as 30mil of damage that makes me...

    no forign language speaker and Im guessing reffering to damage prevention

    TEX~BULL User

    I translated it also but felt he would be better served if his first language as the question is vague at best.
    As this has been referred to the ES forum I will close now.

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