Congestion Error...... -_-

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™, Mar 20, 2014.

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  1. ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™

    ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™ Forum Greenhorn

    really? i get sunk after the restart and now it gives me "Congestion Error !..... Connecting (#of seconds left)....." ***
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    This was supposed to be resolved with the recent restart. Please clear your cookies and cache and after 10 mins or so please try again. If this does not resolve the issue please let me know.
  3. ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™

    ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™ Forum Greenhorn

    ok well i just cleared the cache and i shall wait
  4. ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™

    ~†Äñüßÿ§†~™ Forum Greenhorn

    it still doesnt work. still says CONGESTION ERROR
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Thank you for getting back to me I will forward your user id to the team for further investigation.

    I do appreciate your patience.
  6. _RATTY_

    _RATTY_ Forum Greenhorn

    its happening to me also its a joke
  7. _RATTY_

    _RATTY_ Forum Greenhorn

    they want us to spend £100 on birthday packs and the sea don't even work day in day out lag is still terrible events are for people who don't work and island discount is pointless as we all now pay the same on events. if your a new player don't play and for sure don't spend trust me its a joke of a game always
    cʟαш likes this.
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I do understand your frustrations and if I could fix it I would however I can't I just send the information to those that can do something about it.

    Pending any updates I shall close.

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