Conversion for unspent Radiant and Cursed souls

Discussion in 'Help' started by _-Lawrence-_, Feb 23, 2015.

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  1. _-Lawrence-_

    _-Lawrence-_ Forum Apprentice

    I was just wondering what we'd get for our leftover Radiant and cursed souls, I mean want something worthwhile, as I've spent over 500k heartbreaker getting these things, bought from BP (the pack), so In return I'd like something that comes close to that value or something worthwhile as I said.
  2. I guess you will have to wait and check the official or event announcements. Admins and Mods need to get this information from the Dev team of BP.
  3. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Karma is correct, when we receive this information, it will be posted in the official announcements.

    As this has been answered, I shall close.

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