Bug Cookies Prompt

Discussion in 'Help' started by minesleeper, Aug 8, 2023.

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  1. minesleeper

    minesleeper Active Author

    Occurs on client front end
    then again after logging in
    also clicking on home
    over and over.....
    Tylersgma1999 and djt182 like this.
  2. djt182

    djt182 Padavan

    mine doing the same, really annoying
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  3. SeaWolf[BG]

    SeaWolf[BG] Someday Author

    Same to me !
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  4. Di_Cordi

    Di_Cordi Forum Greenhorn

  5. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    Same to me!
  6. peteraasdal1

    peteraasdal1 Forum Apprentice

  7. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    Mine has been going on for 2 days. :eek:
  8. Kenshiro72

    Kenshiro72 Forum Greenhorn

    +1 annoying as ...
  9. †亗Almirante_negro亗†

    †亗Almirante_negro亗† Forum Apprentice

  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    This issue is affecting everyone, we have forwarded it to be reviewed.

  11. djt182

    djt182 Padavan

    hopefully quickly Rymar :(
  12. Katja.S

    Katja.S Forum Greenhorn

    same issue not solved
  13. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    Must be a huge problem to solve for devs rather then put on a new event.o_O:eek:
    Tylersgma1999 and The*Defiant like this.
  14. Loki1621

    Loki1621 Active Author

    fixing that doesn't generate income
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  15. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    Drives me crazy! Needs fixed. :confused:
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As mentioned previous this have been forwarded.

    We are awaiting a fix.


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