Cores/Catalyst Chamber

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Tergrinder, Oct 2, 2024 at 7:26 PM.

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  1. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Active Author

    I see all these threads on making/equipping cores. I have used the reclamation station to destroy all my 55"s, 60's, Admirals, Voodoos, Doomhammers and Firestorms. I received a bunch of shards, frames, wood pieces, etc. How do I make these things into cores? The Catalyst Chamber says it is "Currently Inactive". Is it going to be made "active" anytime soon, or is there some way for me to make it active? How do I make cores if I can't use the Chamber...? Thanks
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    Catalyst Chamber is active (and can be used) only during events, to sacrifice some of your items + Catalyst Star's (event item) in order to receive chance to obtain different, better items. This part is only accessible few times a year.

    You can see how many shards of each kind you've got by clicking on all cores within the crafting section, as shown below:


    Hope that helps!

  3. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Active Author

    Rymar, which mechanism is used to make cores? The reclamation station, the crafting workshop, or the Catalyst Chamber? I'm still not clear on that. Also, is there a way to obtain shards other than destroying cannons? I got rid of all my excess cannons (except some old 50 pounders that can't be destroyed, apparently) and am not even close to the amount needed (I think) to make any cores. Thanks
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!
    1. Crafting Workshop - that's the only place to create items
    2. Reclamation Station - that's the place where you can destroy some of your items to obtain crafting materials
    3. Catalyst Chamber - this one can be used only during special events, within Chamber you can exchange some of your items for a set of other (depends on event) - as an example in past it used to be 100 Ancient Emblem + 100 Cursed + 100 Radiant = 1 Divine Booty Bag, 5 Fortune Cookies, 1 Massive Captain Chest
    The only way to obtain shards is to destroy the cannons that you no longer use.

    Personally I do recommend collecting lots and lots of gold then Crafting 55s turning them into 60s, then into Admirals and Admirals for cores.

    This will allow you to build up a full set of critical damage cores increasing it by 8.4% total (for 280 cores).
