Feedback Critics regarding the announcement of "Important Update for Seafight Players Community!"

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Røвєяτ-ø*HU*, Jan 5, 2024.

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  1. Personally, I'm not satisfied with this update, obviously, since that's why this thread was created.
    So first, let's start with the problem.

    There are way too many players who are using third-party software to gain unfair advantages against everyone else, than players who are playing without it. And that's obvious for everyone of us, since all you have to do, just to login and you can see it with your own eyes, every single day! And we do see it, all of us!

    This puts us over massive disadvantages against them, and your current way of "punisment" that was just announced, does not seem to meet those disadvantages we have to deal with!

    So, in further explanation of the problem:

    1. They are still able to climb the ranks, and make it impossible for all of us to progress, and ever catch up with them? The answer is: YES!
    2. They are still able to progress through the season and get all the rewards, without actually putting any effort in it? The answer is: YES!
    3. They are able to shoot NPC's, collect glitters and chests and get a lot of stuff without any effort? The answer is: YES!
    4. They are STILL able to easily sink another player with their "reduced" stats due to the massive disadvantages we have against them for not utilizing third-party software, and still get battle points, climbing the battle point rank? The answer is, again: YES!
    So, it's not hard at all to see that, we are STILL in a massive disadvantage against them, and your way of "punisment" does not meet those disadvantages!

    I would like to refer to your own terms and conditions, section 1.2, subsection 1.2.8: (quoted)

    "The use of programs that place an excessive load on the Services are strictly forbidden, and this applies to the use of any software that would influence normal gameplay, in particular programs that systematically or automatically control games or individual game functions (bots, macros, etc.). Any reproduction, analysis or modification of the Games, Game components or content provided within the scope of the Services is also prohibited."

    So, these are your answers and "strict" punisment for directly violating your terms and conditions, that we are STILL in a massive disadvantage! In my eyes, these does not "reflect your commitment to maintaining a fair and balanced gaming environment.", as you're proudly stating!

    Let's take a look:
    (I will highlight, in my eyes,
    the bad ones with red color and the good ones with yellow color, quoted)

    "The new values and effects of the scar debuffs are as follows
    • 1st Scar Debuff (duration of 1 month):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 2%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 2%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 0.7 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 10%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    • 2nd Scar Debuff (duration of 3 months):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 1.4 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 20%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled League of Captains
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    • 3rd Scar Debuff (duration of 6 months):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 2.1 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 30%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled League of Captains
      • Disabled Bonus Maps
      • Disabled Raid Maps
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    These updated scar debuffs reflect our commitment to maintaining a fair and balanced gaming environment."

    (No, it does not! It reflects that you're just trying to do something, and sweep the actual problem under the rug, hoping it will get forgotten!)

    So, what about enforcing your own terms and conditions, by really strictly punishing them, to reflect your so called "commitment to maintaining a fair and balanced gaming environment."?

    My suggestion would be the following, since they are the majority now since a long time, you can't ban everyone of them, and that's understandable, but not in any way acceptable in the current way!

    • Even in they are able to shoot NPC's, it would not count to their season progress, and they are getting nothing for it! (I mean gold, pearls, EXP, etc) that would as a result make it impossible for them to climb ranks.
    • They can collect glitters, chests, but again they won't get anything from it!
    • They can shoot other players, but not getting battle points for it, so they can't climb the battle points rank.
    On top of those above, I would highly suggest to rethink those reduced stats, they are laughable in it's current state! The ideal stats in my opinion would be:

    1st Scar Debuff (duration of 1 month):

      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 10%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 10%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 1 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 100%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1 seconds
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1 seconds
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1 seconds
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    2nd Scar Debuff (duration of 3 months):

      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 20%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 20%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 2 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 100%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 2 second
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 2 second
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 2 second
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled League of Captains
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    • 3rd Scar Debuff (duration of 6 months):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 50%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 50%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 3 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 100%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 3 seconds
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 3 seconds
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 3 seconds
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled League of Captains
      • Disabled Bonus Maps
      • Disabled Raid Maps
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    These could actually counter-balance our massive disadvantages against them, and serve as an actual strict punishment, according to your own terms and conditions, and your statement of "Reflecting your commitment to maintaining a fair and balanced gaming environment."

    So, there you go! From me, in the name of all of us, honest players!
    Sincerely, a honest player!

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    +1 Can I vote more than once? :rolleyes:

    I agree that the current reductions in these debuffs is so low as to be meaningless. Even your suggested amount do not go far enough. Start at 50% less damage and plus 10s reload and go up from there.

    I've had some debuffed ships sink me in 2 or 3 shots and that should not be possible if they are being punished, they should be made weak and helpless so everyone else who plays fair can sink them in one shot. That would be a real deterrent.
  3. We can't ask for too much, this game is ran by bigpoint, after all. And their past actions speaks for itself, no statements needed on that. I tried to be somewhat reasonable, but one thing again! Even if they can shoot npc's, collect glitters, chests, sink players. They must get NOTHING for it. No gold, pearls, exp, bp, empty glitters, chests and on top of that, EXCLUDED from any ranks! BP ranks, pirate rank, whatever!
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. *DeLetEd*

    *DeLetEd* Forum Pro

    furthermore the list of values and facts published yesterday is 100% identically to those of aug 31, 2023, compare it here.

    everything but new. they are telling they'd be new, but that's a lie.
  5. Ha-ha, typical "let's pretend that we are doing something, and sweep it under the rug" action!:D
    That's what I was talking about.... don't pretend, fix the problem!o_O
    Tylersgma1999 and The*Defiant like this.
  6. ₣Ɽł₳Ɽ₮Ʉ₵₭

    ₣Ɽł₳Ɽ₮Ʉ₵₭ Someday Author

    If bp wanted to fix the issue, i say ban the boats or make the gotcha last longer than 12 days or whatever it is, make it a month and then triple everything else but all the fellow pirates on this thread make great points....cheers
  7. It's more than ok if they are don't actually have any interest in fixing any of their major flaws and problems, and this is just one of dozens. But then own themselfs and their actions, and be straightforward about it, don't play pretend, like we don't know what it is! :rolleyes:
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.

    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    New debuffs are still a joke, minimum increase needs to be 500%. BP will not do this so all cheat accounts need to be erased .
  9. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    I completely agree with your ideas but you have to consider they don't want cheaters to quit , they just want to keep the honest players too , reason being the payment packs. If they don't debuff cheaters , the real players quit. But if they debuff cheaters too harshly they might quit. So they do what they think will make them most money , keep both kinda happy and pretend they do everything to stop it. It wouldnt surprise me if you can buy out your debuffed account in the future.
    Conclusion : Your idea is amazing but they only care about money so it won't happen.
  10. If they would debuff cheaters too harhsly, they might quit... :D I can actually believe that they fear that. Also, when I see those botters farming all day, day to day, progressing through the season, advancing in rank, getting stuff without any effort, it does not make me happy. And when it comes to fight, and they can easily send me to the seabed with their badge of shame and "debuff", altough I'm not a weak boat with thunderbolt cannons on, it does not make me happy, at all! It makes me want to spit fire like a dragon! And this pretending that I'm doing something against them game is just pathetic! If they don't want to fight them, give up and release their own all-in-one bot on a monthly subscription, or as part of slashing blades for a different price and there you go! No one is disadvantage, everyone is happily botting, the money keeps flowing... :D I can even suggest a sustainable and profitable business. :D I feel like they don't even have a clue what is going on and bet that they have never spent 1 minute in the game. Those debuff stats is basically nothing. It is a pretend game! :rolleyes:
  11. ₣Ɽł₳Ɽ₮Ʉ₵₭

    ₣Ɽł₳Ɽ₮Ʉ₵₭ Someday Author

    Do you think if Bp bans the botters and maybe Bp can get a new base of players, a clean slate so to speak.... I think that could happen, i dont know just a thought on fixing the game, but once again great points across the board in this thread, and to add to this, the players debuffed and was in the top 10 get to keep all there stuff, like ship skins and ammo pearls and everything else, take that away as well, i have a feeling this thread will get closed by you know who, cause the true hurts.....Cheers mates
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  12. Nevermind, I just came back from vacation, if you know what I mean...:rolleyes: I don't care though, It's obvious the mods and admins are not on our side, they are working for that people, possibly for free! :D Good thing they are anonim in-game, they would spent a lot of time on the seabed if I know who is who! :D
  13. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Wow! That's a great catch by you, pirate *DeLetEd*! The stats haven't been changed, so they lied to us? It looks that way to me. It's nice to see some other players feel as I do: very angry and upset that nobody gets a long-term ban, or any "real" punishment for cheating. The so-called debuff "penalties" are a total joke. And I suppose it is because Bigpoint is afraid to take the correct stand on the issue, and ban them permanently. Which is a shame.
  14. Ha-ha, yeah I think we all do feel the same way about it, which is being angry as hell! But no one wants to shout it out, because to be honest, it is pointless! And they might get sent away for a vacation, like I was! Yeah, that's how things are working here, even after all those years, pathetic isn't it?:D I do play a couple of games, and this is the only one that favors the cheaters! They are actually promoting cheating with their actions, or rather with that they don't take any actions against them!

    They can't even enforce their very own "Terms and conditions", and ban those cheaters permanently (like every other game does it, regardless if they are spending $200,000 a month, the rules are the rules!) but they are banning people if they get called out on their actions!:D Yeah, that's how pathetic all this is!
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
  15. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    I used to be an admin on a forum and it is possible for an admin to edit a post without triggering the Edited label or changing the date. It does make it a bit 1984 revisionist history doing that, but it is possible that's what has happened here.
  16. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    I play a manager game.If as much of a little cheat...BAN for over 20 years.Think BP could learn from moderators/support with big cajunes!:cool::D;)
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