
Discussion in 'Help' started by garrett69, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. garrett69

    garrett69 Forum Apprentice

    Just curious if i have a chat ban as it hasnt worked since i started playing again

    garrett69 global

    user id 14/3138356
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    If you have a chat ban it will tell you when chat appears. If chat is not appearing then go to options, start configurator and reset your chat menu.
  3. garrett69

    garrett69 Forum Apprentice

    nope didnt work so must be another issue
  4. garrett69

    garrett69 Forum Apprentice

    no i have different prob 19% on seachart and get authentication failed i have had lost conection thing before as many others but not that
  5. garrett69

    garrett69 Forum Apprentice

  6. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I have reset this for you, you did not have chat enabled, I placed the chat box in the middle of your screen and you should move it to a more convenient place.

    As for being unable to log on, when you ask for us to resolve an issue for you, it is sometimes necessary for us make changes which prevent you logging on.

    If after clearing your cookies and cache you cannot log on please reply.
  7. garrett69

    garrett69 Forum Apprentice

    oh ok ty very much its worked now and sorry i didnt realize you were logged into my account at the time

    TEX~BULL User

    As the issue is resolved:

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