Daily Quests: 55 - 60

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 18, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Daily Quests: 55 - 60

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Defeat 25 Grand Illusions, Beast of the Sea, Vizier's Pride
    Collect 3 Map of the Archipelago and return to Erendira Sepero
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find!?

    Grand Illusions can be found on maps 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1
    Beast of the Sea can be found on maps 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1
    Vizier's Pride can be found on maps 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1
    Map of the Archipelago can be obtained from Grand Illusions, Beast of the Sea and Vizier's Pride


    This map you brought. It differs from what Sea Eagle has charted in so many ways. See here, where my map shows clear seas, this one shows these leathery winged beasts. The markings seem alien to me, can you discover where they are from?

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    80 000 Crowns
    1 Dragon Amulet

    Power of the Dragon

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Inflict at least 1 000 000 damage to the NPC Kalytron (wounded)
    Return to the quest-giver Killian Drake

    Where to find?!

    Kalytron (wounded) can be found on between maps 55/1 and 60/1 at random times


    When I hold these scales in one hand and an item from my childhood in another, they repel each other. Like the opposing poles of a magnet. Please seek out the one who knows about the scales more clearly, and find out if we can capture their power?

    End At: Killian Drake (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    500 Orichalkum

    You Can't Handle the Truth

    Start At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    Defeat 25 HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog
    Collect 5 Lock Key Paperwork and return to Erendira Sepero
    Return to the quest-giver Erendira Sepero

    Where to find!?

    HMS Caradoc can be found on maps 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Wave Knight can be found on maps 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Hector can be found on maps 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Bulldog can be found on maps 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    Lock Key Paperwork can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog


    If he wants the truth we shall get it for him and ram it down his throat. Go out and find ships of his Commonwealth which do not have the cross-key symbol and show they are complicit in this affair.

    End At: Erendira Sepero (SH-12)

    Erendira Sepero.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    300 Orichalkum
    6 000 Marauder Ammunition
    1 Dragon Amulet

    Full Power

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Collect 4 Monstrous Eye and return to Sea Eagle
    Collect 5 Serpent Scales and return to Sea Eagle
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Monstrous Eye can be obtained from Long-Necked Brute, Armored Fiend
    Serpent Scales can be obtained from HMS Caradoc, HMS Wave Knight, HMS Hector, HMS Bulldog, HMS Lion, HMS Conqueror, HMS Monarch, HMS Resolution
    Long-Necked Brute can be found in 55/1 and 60/1
    Armored Fiend can be found in 56/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Caradoc can be found in 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Wave Knight can be found in 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Hector can be found in 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Bulldog can be found in 55/2, 56/1, 56/2 and 57/1
    HMS Lion can be found in 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Conqueror can be found in 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Monarch can be found in 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1
    HMS Resolution can be found in 56/2, 57/1, 58/1 and 59/1


    I need many resources for my experiments with nature, and each time I use these items together, the ingredients are lost. You can help me gather more, if you would.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin
    1 Dragon Amulet

    Worlds Combined

    Start At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    Defeat 3 Splinterskull Destroyer, Splinterskull Warmaster
    Inflict at least 900 000 damage to the NPC Grand Illusions
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Splinterskull Destroyer can be found in 48/3 and 50/2
    Splinterskull Warmaster can be found in 50/2 and 51/1
    Grand Illusions can be found in 55/1, 55/2, 56/1 and 60/1


    Let us combine our forces and powers together. A force to fight the pure chaos of the maelstrom and provide a strong basis for a future which encompasses all of us who care for the planet's future.

    End At: Sea Eagle (SH-12)

    Sea Eagle.png


    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 000 Safanad Coin

    Learn the Drill

    Start At: Alexandros Draconis (SH-12)



    Inflict at least 800 000 damage to the NPC Kalytron (wounded), Kalytron (heavily wounded)
    Return to the quest-giver Alexandros Draconis

    Where to find?!

    Kalytron (wounded) can be found on maps between 55/1 and 60/1 at random times
    Kalytron (heavily wounded) can be found within the Kalytron's Retreat raid map


    I feel that Killian sometimes treats me as a little too junior. That be said, we both learn much from each other in our fights. You can charge the keepsake faster with a battle with Kalytron.

    End At: Alexandros Draconis (SH-12)



    4 000 000 Experience Points
    3 600 Safanad Coin