Daily Quests: Fenghuang Fortunes reputation

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Oct 23, 2020.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Daily Quests: Fenghuang Fortunes reputation
    Treasures unknown

    Start At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    1 Thanwe Treasures Trophy Unlocked

    Defeat 10 Solar blaze, Briny Spray

    Welcome, welcome, captain, to my humble shop! Come in and browse all you like… Ah! No, not here, that drawer is for hum, my medicine. Here, take a look at this! Beautiful isn’t it. And it can be yours. For a modest price, of course, or perhaps a service? Ha, brilliant! We have a deal captain.
    End At : Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    20 Fenghuang Fortunes reputation

    Blind Favor

    Start At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    1 Thanwe Treasures Trophy Unlocked

    Defeat 5 Angry Tiger
    Kill 15 Ruby Seriyu

    Ah, you got your reward, but you want more. I may have the perfect thing
    for you, captain. Something unique, something that you will seldom see so
    far away from Fenghuang waters. Interested? Mmh, you’re tough in business.
    I respect that. I can offer you another deal, but it’ll cost you something else than your coins.
    End At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)

    40 Fenghuang Fortunes reputation

    Shine and lustre

    Start At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    1 Thanwe Treasures Trophy Unlocked

    Inflict 1,500,000 dmage to Briny Spray, Oxen Tremor, Solar Blaze, Windy Hollow, Sturdy Swell, Earthshock, Fire Mare, Fierce Typhoon, Angry Tiger, Striking Bird, Mighty Dragon,Fanged Tiget, War Turtle, Vanquishing Bird, Omipotent Dragon, Unchained Marauder, Emperor's Hand, Imperial Grasp, Cyclonic Vortex, Cataclysmic Quake, Torrid Inferno, Raging Maelstrom

    Back so soon? Ha, so you’ve become quite the collector of old Fenghuang
    treasures. A pirate with refined taste! My kind of people. I may have what
    you seek, for a small price. Here, take this list of tasks. It shouldn’t
    take you too long. And after that, you come for your reward and spend it in my shop!
    End At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    60 Fenghuang Fortunes reputation

    Trophies and Empires

    Start At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    1 Thanwe Treasures Trophy Unlocked

    Inflict at least 1 000 000 damage to Fierce Typhoon
    Kill 30 Ruby Seriyu, Gui Xian, Crimson Quilin, Jade Ryu, Cobalt Suzaku, Mighty Kirin, Genbu, Fiery Phoenix

    Come in, my friend, come in! Show old Fang Weisheng your latest
    discoveries…Mmh, ah! A rare piece this one. Will look fine in a pirate’s
    collection! You caught the gold fever, haven’t you, captain? I know just
    what you need. You do what you do best. I’ll prepare your reward, give it a little polish before you come back!
    End At: Fang Weisheng (31/1)


    80 Fenghuang Fortunes reputation