Daily Quests: Lost Treasures

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Nov 14, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Daily Quests: Lost Treasures


    Start at: Sea Eagle (SH 48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    1 Lost Treasures Trophy Unlocked


    Defeat 10 Battlemaw, Chaosfin
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Battlemaw found in maps 48/3, 50/2
    Chaosfin found in maps 48/3, 50/2


    As one who has sailed the Ezio Archipelago and have assisted my people in their cause, you have honored us. You can do more by helping me establish a remembrance of the Lost Fleet by undertaking my tasks.

    End at: Sea Eagle

    Sea Eagle.png


    20 Lost Treasures Reputation

    Fortune Favors

    Start at: Sea Eagle (SH 48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    1 Lost Treasures Trophy Unlocked


    Defeat 15 Isthmus Guangee
    Defeat 5 Carnassious
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle

    Where to find!?

    Isthmus Guangee found in maps 45/2, 48/3
    Carnassious found in maps 45/2, 48/3


    This region is beset with threats and dangers, and you are the one who seems to comprehend that path. Continue your journey and honor this place truly and you will be rewarded for the task you undertake.

    End at: Sea Eagle

    Sea Eagle.png


    40 Lost Treasures Reputation

    When We Were Lost

    Start at: Sea Eagle (SH 48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    1 Lost Treasures Trophy Unlocked


    Inflict 10 000 000 damage to the NPC located in Eizo Region
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle


    Each time you set sail on these oceans you tie yourself more deeply with this place and its history. This deeper understanding of our people, helps us to once again be found in our new state.

    End at: Sea Eagle

    Sea Eagle.png


    60 Lost Treasures Reputation

    True Tales

    Start at: Sea Eagle (SH 48/3)

    Sea Eagle.png


    1 Lost Treasures Trophy Unlocked


    Defeat 2 Eizo Admirals
    Return to the quest-giver Sea Eagle


    In your actions you begin a new set of tales of the Lost Fleet of Nautica. This sits well with me, and my conscience and I am happy to help you gather the rewards and be a sentinel of the Ezio Archipelago.

    End at: Sea Eagle

    Sea Eagle.png


    80 Lost Treasures Reputation