Damage calculation bug fix

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, May 15, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Damage calculation bug fix

    Ahoy Pirates,

    With the sync today we fixed quite a large bug which has been in the game for some time. The bug affected the way the damage was calculated in the game – meaning that one of the main damage bonuses was calculated “too early” in the whole calculation, allowing many of you to cause an increased amount of damage.

    Here is an image to help explain:


    As you can see from the “bugged version”, the % bonus damage (for example the extra damage from ship designs) was incorrectly calculated with amount of damaged caused by cannonballs. However, as you can see from the “fixed version”, it should have been added together with the other buffs in the game (such as the castle system and skill points) before being multiplied with the damage caused by cannonballs and cannons.

    Due to this bug a group of you profited ahead of other players for some time by causing an increased amount of damage, so we are very glad to have located and corrected this error to once again make it fair for all players.

    Follow this link to the discussion thread about this topic.

    Your Seafight team