Damage dropped again..

Discussion in 'Help' started by stactic, May 13, 2014.

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  1. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    So spent alot of time in scrolls yesterday, was hitting between 7k - 7.5k with hollows.. came on today its dropped to 6k-6.6k
    which is quite a substantial drop.. i didn't have muzzles, not changed castles/skills
    didn't have hails on

    The only thing i can think of is that i lost my 5% damage bonus?
    But even with that substracted the amount of damage i lost there is around 15%
    A guild mate claims after the restart his damage was increased?
    Could this be checked? it seems i lost about 15-20% damage..
    User ID: 39/13173648
    Elite level: 16

    39'658'865 / 42'953'065

    Edit: i have checked everything, its all exactly the same as yesterday...
    Even got an extra week for 5% damage..
    Something certainly up.

    EDIT: with latest restart it went up a bit, but not fully..
    then i found that the restart had also knocked off all my mojo deck cannons.
    its not working as intended.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As we can not tell what damage you were previously causing or what differences you have made to your account, we are unable to inform you as to why you are shooting less at this time.

    However we do have a damage calculator that can help you find your estimated damage that you should be causing.

    I have placed the link below so you can try this out and see if you are indeed shooting less than expected.
