Damage problem

Discussion in 'Help' started by sanmucci, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. sanmucci

    sanmucci Forum Apprentice

    Last night before I logged off I was hitting about 7100 with hollows no powders. This morning I'm hitting barely 6100 with hollows no powders. My cannons are all equipped and exactly the same as last night. The only change is that I won king's legacy from bokors and have 10 extra cannons loaded. Shouldn't I be hitting harder and not 1000 less? Please help.

    USA east coast 1
    elp - 281'784'962
  2. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    check about if any bounce more damage is expired , and the missing cannons , be sure you load them again
  3. sanmucci

    sanmucci Forum Apprentice

    Took all cannons off and reloaded them to make sure. No damage expired. And still have same problem. Some of my mates having same issue.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you for your patience mate, we are looking into this issue for you.
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