Days Between Days Packages

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Days Between Days Packages

    Ahoy Pirates,

    From the 25th December, 12 noon (CET) until 31st December, 12 noon (CET) there will be 3 exclusive packages available to purchase!

    Package 1 contains 5 Voodoo Cannons, 50 Crystals, 10,000 Voodoo Ammo and 10 Teleport items.
    Package 2 contains 10 Voodoo Cannons, 150 Crystals, 30,000 Voodoo Ammo, 30,000 Soul Eater Ammo, 20 Teleport Items, 20 Smoke Bombs and the 75,000 extra Hit Points buff for 15 days
    Package 3 contains 20 Voodoo Cannons, 300 Crystals, 90,000 Voodoo Ammo, 90,000 Soul Eater Ammo, 90,000 Voodoo Doom Ammo, 30 Teleport Items, 30 Smoke Bombs, 30 Blood Lusts and the Mojo Deck for 14 days.

    Please note: the packages can only be purchased once! Attempts to purchase the package more than once that get registered in the payment system will result in players getting the normal pearl equivalent of the price of the package.

    The 75k hp should run concurrent with any 75k reward received from the scrolls, this will not increase your hp by 75k.

    Your Seafight team
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    As there were many players who didn’t purchase the Days Between Days packages, we will make them available once again – but only for those players who didn’t purchase them when they were first released.

    The packages will be available from 5pm today (CET) until Friday 31st, 12 noon (CET),

    Your Seafight team
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