Announcement Debuff Announcement

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Rymar, Aug 31, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Debuff Announcement

    Important Update for Seafight Players Community!

    Based on valuable feedback from our dedicated players, we have made further adjustments to the scar debuffs implemented as a consequence of utilizing unauthorized third-party programs (bots) in Seafight.

    These updated scar debuffs will serve as a more significant reminder of the consequences of unfair play.

    With your support, we have enforced restrictions on accounts found using third-party programs, with Scar 2 leading to the loss of access to some game features like Aura of Protection and League of Captains.

    However, we must go one step further to safeguard the spirit of fair play that makes our community thrive.

    Effective immediately, we will introduce another penalty that will directly impact those with the Gotcha Debuff or any Scar debuff.

    Players under these debuffs will be unable to accept any quests within the game while the debuff remains active.

    This action is taken in response to valuable feedback from honest players who have expressed their concerns about the detrimental effects of bot users on our gameplay environment.

    The new values and effects of the scar debuffs are as follows:

    • 1st Scar Debuff (duration of 1 month):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 2%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 2%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 0.7 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 10%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    • 2nd Scar Debuff (duration of 3 months):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 1.4 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 20%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled League of Captains
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    • 3rd Scar Debuff (duration of 6 months):
      • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
      • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
      • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 2.1 seconds
      • Currency Loot: Reduced by 30%
      • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
      • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
      • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
      • Disabled Aura of Protection
      • Disabled League of Captains
      • Disabled Bonus Maps
      • Disabled Raid Maps
      • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    These updated scar debuffs reflect our commitment to maintaining a fair and balanced gaming environment.

    We believe that by implementing more significant penalties, we can deter unfair gameplay practices and foster a community built on integrity and sportsmanship.

    We appreciate the feedback provided by our players, as it plays a vital role in shaping the future of Seafight.

    Together, let us continue to sail the high seas with honor, respect, and a shared dedication to fair play.

    Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to Seafight, and may your adventures be filled with thrilling encounters and glorious victories!

    The Seafight Team