Feedback Debuff for Bot Using

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seren, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    I Probably put gasoline on the fire now but, I would do anything for get rid of these auto target fighters.

    The idea is brilliant, love that a debuff is given, but you are not quite there yet....

    You have to increase the length of the debuff is given! From 2 weeks to 1 month... and No. 2 ban is 2 months and add one month per

    debuff players recive...Im speaking from "a friend" now , this helped that someone stopped botting, but also what

    I hear from both friends and enemies and the majority says that : "it's worth the things they are given in the event for a

    small 2 week "holiday." SO bigpoint. INCREASE THE LENGTH of the debuff.
  2. think this subject can be closed down now and i am sure bigpoint will do all they can as they have been for years and more years to come
  3. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    Might be that clear cache and restart the client and its gone xD
  4. it is all possible as far as this subject goes now
  5. _-walker-_

    _-walker-_ Forum Apprentice

    I Probably put gasoline on the fire now but, I would do anything for get rid of these auto target fighters.

    The idea is brilliant, love that a debuff is given, but you are not quite there yet....

    You have to increase the length of the debuff is given! From 2 weeks to 1 month... and No. 2 ban is 2 months and add one month per

    debuff players recive...Im speaking from "a friend" now , this helped that someone stopped botting, but also what

    I hear from both friends and enemies and the majority says that : "it's worth the things they are given in the event for a

    small 2 week "holiday." SO bigpoint. INCREASE THE LENGTH of the debuff.TRUE and i like wars ,best of game,but now oon i dont take part of wars,i think everybody know why,just wana say,i have to start play whit out wars...UNTIL......
    Loki1621 and Christen-Kold like this.
  6. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    Are you quoting Mr Eyup?.......Players will not stop botting...Bp has let this issue go on to far and the devs are too lazy to fix anything, this game needs a major overhaul....all bp does is reward the Botters,and some of the players who tell us to stop complaining and deal with it are the ones cheating,im not saying YoU.....but the whiners on here who are telling us to be quite.....but the mods say they forward everything we say, i doubt that seriously.....2 things will happen..Either they fix the Game, or it will shut down cause players are tired of the B.S....or! players will leave and it will be an auto game!!!Cheers mate
    *[Shooter]* and The*Defiant like this.
  7. Just run a de buff each week, 4 times a month 2 weeks punishment at a time (for the de buff time) and the de buff would work, this would stop botting to a huge extent. Bigpoint will you bring the game developers on forum. Tell them to stop posting patchwork notes and actually interact with the players. Legit players who pay full amount get penalised by people who make turkish payment boats who bot and use auto target all the time.

    step 1) Get developers on forums
    step 2) Run a de buff each week
    step 3) remove all currencies not allocated to a english/german server. THERE ARE TURKISH SERVERS FOR THAT ETC
    Loki162, -PUSAT-, Bawdyn and 5 others like this.
  8. -Conde-Lasagna-

    -Conde-Lasagna- Forum Greenhorn

    You can target a player only clicking once, if u click more than one time, that player won't be targeted so u have to be a computer or synth to complete that task successfully

    If u sunk a player, it'll appear next to u untargeted

    Bugs at the momment of shooting

    Can't activate bloodlust while u are repairing, and more

    I think BP is sending us a subliminal message... use something that helpt u to do that...???
    Why BP talks about fair game when there's no fair game?, if I buy a package, turkish players buy 3, i think that if BP wants to make this game fair, first have to keep same prices for all players per server, doing that, people will finally feel that they are playing under the same rulesand maybe the selling turkish flag accounts will stop, really turkish players must have their benefits at turkish servers, not at an American server or non turkish server :(
  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I absolutely agree 100% without any doubt whatsoever. Will someone please give this post 8,000 stars??? (It ain't "rocket science" BP)!!
  10. *[Shooter]*

    *[Shooter]* Forum Greenhorn

    u see all about money m8 also u should remove all pearls crowns safanad coins when catch players on bot and debuff for 1 month
    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. lmao we run another de buff, literally how do they choose whos getting the de buff what is the actual detection system you got going and how accurate is it??
    The*Defiant and -Crywacker- like this.
  12. *[Shooter]*

    *[Shooter]* Forum Greenhorn

    also i see players got remove event points when they not botting but players whos botting still in event rank thats a joke bp really
    The*Defiant likes this.

  13. yep i reckon they're detection systems done via chat. if a player types on chat through the bot then the system cant detect/recognise it so they assume they're botting. and give de buff. now days with vpns etc and people using chat boats then alot of people have avoided the de buff
    The*Defiant and -Crywacker- like this.
  14. can a mod reply so i know its been forwarded to devs..

    Hope you are allocating and taking your time to run a de buff for this shark event. also removal of accumulated level 4 cannons from traders ;-) remove 75% battlepoints to from ship ;-)
    The*Defiant likes this.
  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Mate - Again I applaud your point! I recently thought about how many "free" Level 4 WBs these guys are racking up during this "now extended - Event"...for free!:mad:
  16. makfer

    makfer Forum Apprentice

    A laughted soo hard when i saw this event, and i thinked the players who had debuff. The worst punnishment. I think it was extended for them to see what they missed. Realy well played move. I realy appreciate some moves what the game did. This event, the all time runing bot debuff system (i know it dont got everybody, but it is mutch better then didnt do nothing). The new code, what gave everybody a new cannon this way many player who spending money will buy it too, if they have a few they will buy more. Smart move.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. makfer

    makfer Forum Apprentice

    No debuff for this event? :(
  18. No, bigpoint waiting for next event sell there packages to all the people who abuse programs and cheaper payment, then when they have sold the packages and realise there next event is in 3-4 weeks, there run a de buff and act like they done good
    The*Defiant likes this.
  19. chaaptilak208

    chaaptilak208 Forum Greenhorn

    i liked the idea that the debuff time doubles with each offense. Run it every day.
    frodo7, Loki1621 and The*Defiant like this.
  20. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    its funny to see bot users posting on this subject.....
    The*Defiant and tez_the_hawk like this.
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