Feedback Debuff for Bot Using

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seren, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    I got a 13 day ban. I don't cheat or use bot programs. I don't know how and I wouldn't know where to get one. You guys need to review my account. Getting this debuff is insulting considering how much I get slapped around in this game.
    laila♥ likes this.
  2. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I added your boat (many years ago) as a Matey on my List. I believe you mate (for what it's worth), and I'm sorry that happened to you. I suggest you write Support with your boat name, ID, and server.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
    laila♥ likes this.
  3. Waja-CPS-|ruy|

    Waja-CPS-|ruy| Forum Greenhorn

    Indeed this is too ridiculous. Mine also got debuff without using any bot programs. when bigpoint cleaning winter event ranking and imposed debuff on all top 100 ranking account and assume all those account were used bot program, this is too annoying. if this behaviour continue, many players who spent too much money into the game will get frustrated and leave the game.
    laila♥ likes this.
  4. Jack**Sparrow

    Jack**Sparrow Forum Greenhorn

    also i got - 25% of my experience points witch is over 28 billions - . I stop put money in this game and stop play bye , you don t know how to run a game ! All gonna stop play it soon. I play 10 years this game spend over 300 000 euro and lose 25% of my xp in a day ! GREAT!
  5. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    Its seafight, it have a big rule, pay and shut up. You paid? Then do your job. I played realy long like the rules, but i stoped care, i dont pay for this game, if you have any problem support didnt care, if you didnt cheat play like it need to, then you will been banned if you didnt shut up. Best for you if you stop playing, this game didnt worth a penny.
  6. Õžžý_ƒûÐÐ

    Õžžý_ƒûÐÐ Forum Greenhorn

    BP don't's about the $$.....
    Play for free....yes....want to be compatible......break out your credit card and mortgage your 1st born...LOL

    I've had this account for 13 years.....was the same way back then, but WAY worse now.....sad but true
  7. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    fix some legal bot to payment auto pirat This exist in normal life ship and aircraft have auto pilot
    people simply need it
    Õžžý_ƒûÐÐ likes this.
  8. kiwi78

    kiwi78 Forum Greenhorn

    hi same debuff after writing to the support he told me to have used a software or a macro. I told them that for a software it was no, but for a macro yes. I explained to them that I had a gamer pc with a gamer mouse (with several keys). so I use a mouse macro, which allows me to configure my keyboard shortcuts on my mouse. it allows me to be faster and play more comfortably. I explained to them that it cannot be detected by a script because I play other online games and I had this confirmation from another online game developer and that a macro smiles (to put keyboard shortcut on the keys of his mouse) is not considered cheating given the possibility of having multi-key mice designed for this. I therefore asked them to see this script and to want to explain to me that they are the criteria to automatically put a debuf. no response from support from my post on my macro smile. their last message, I summarize it: wait 13 days + send their dispute email address to their lawyer who deals with disputes. I let you meditate on that.

    sorry for the mistakes, I use a translator because on my forum, my message and awaiting validation from the moderator and may not be published
  9. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    Why are maps are empty? I cant find any enemy ship, dont have BP :(

  10. ive messaged support no point wasting your time there is no script run to detect its manual placed on by devs developers that cant get the game running how they dream of but can tell some1 is exploiting using a program utter noncence lmao i can understand all these players reporting a problem as they do same to my account yet i bet there logs show i dont even play for 10 hours over a week on the game so what use would me be botting be for ??? lmao check logbook ive done event quests logged shot about 1k of event curency a day and logged out what i need a bot for that for ???

    a script plus a developer do checks before action is taken well 1st of all show me what evidence you have that made you come to the conclusion ive use any external programme ??? as i can guarantee you dont have any proof as ive not used 1 but you wont supply this evidence because you dont have any its just complete corruption usually id take it further to the online gamming to resolve this issue but the game isnt worth it just proves they use legit players as scapegoats to punish and leave the real exploiters to continue,

    game has allways been run this way and i dunno why any1 would expect anything diffrent il let em have the satisfaction of me missing about 20 hours of me actually being logged in over the 14 day period for false punishments cause they clearly have no idea what if any info they been reading/looking at to come up with the conclusion some1 has cheated.

    obviously the script dont work the developers dont no what there reading shows why the games gone downhill pay workers peanuts your only gonna be employing monkeys.
    Jack**Sparrow likes this.
  11. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    you can use the bot for autotarget, like many, many player do, with autotarget they play with 3-4 ship in the same time, this way they got an extreme supperiority in the game. I dont say you did that but your ship can be used like that, so this deffence is not standing on a strong legs. Sorry
  12. i play solo im solo in a guild i have 1 main ship on 1 server i have another ship on pve server what multiple ships am i gonna be logging in at the same time using an auto lock ???i dont need to explain anything in my own deffence as i clearly know i have no application on my computer to help me to play this game im not addicated to this game and only log in for a couple hours each account just to try do quests in maps being hounded by these exploiters your reffering to check my logs i think the last time i did a scroll map was about 2 years ago as a guess im only just starting to do these extra quest lines been added to road atlantis ive hardly did any missions for any trophys every season im lucky if i complete any further than the pet section about 5-6 in my ships gone downhill as i dont play like i use to 5 years ago so what im only using an exdploit just to gain a lock advantage ???? why would i even bother i dont fight players no more i just login do few quests logout yet when i do login to try do quests ya got the maps full of these exploiters speedoing after ya before there even in your vision attacking ya,
    so no ive nothing to hide but would love to see this evidence they are using to punish people as clearly ive no use for a add on to help me do afew simple daily tasks and shoot afew npcs,

    and whats even better is 95% of my time playing is on pve server were you dont need to worry about the exploiters not my main so why would my main be using the bot????
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
    babenewport likes this.
  13. bat_sali

    bat_sali Forum Apprentice

    So 99% on this game use bot. The Game is so bored need to many time to play and when player dont put money they dont have any option need to use bot to grown fast the ship. So i was stop playning and come back before 20 days put some money for some staff on this game. But now i have some buff witch my ship is not usable so i can stop to play this game again. When i see some day when i see seafight have leagal bot i will come back :)
  14. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Probably it is a sign of how many players were cheating. They got the debuff and so they don't sail.
  15. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    Good to here from you mate. I took a break from the game and came back for winter event. Thank you for posting your support. I have sent a ticket to support. We'll see what happens.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  16. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    The bottom line is this, if you spend money on this game, no matter what you do, you will not get the buff.......Bp doesnt stand for Big point, it stands for Big payday......
  17. bat_sali

    bat_sali Forum Apprentice

    What you think is wrong. Player who put lot of money they dont get buff and use bot and other thinks but people like me who put low money we get buff . So Bigpoint do what they wnat. Is time to stop this game again.
  18. they banned people on the assumption on rankings, and a random percentage to the others haha.
  19. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    Well, like many others have said if ppl dont like the game don't play nobody is twisting anyone's arm, Bp has been like this for years...everyone knows it... nothing will change and some will complain and it will fall on deaf ears.....
  20. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    and read what i said .....i said a player who spends money will not get buffed....
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