Feedback Debuff for Bot Using

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seren, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    My event rankings were in the 700's and higher and I got banned. Honest players got banned because the developers are lazy and code lousy program.
    laila♥ likes this.
  2. they messed up on this run big time i think
  3. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Well.....I see they didn't catch all of the botters. I just had one player blow me away and hunt me. I finally went into the Vovoi Map to repair. When I came out...? he was on auto-bot and I chained him (and he didn't have the "badge of shame"). He must have dodged getting it by turning his program on and off. Oh least I get to chain him back.:) P.S. I hope the developers re-check some of these players. I don't doubt they may be able to have the hacker who sold them the bot remove the "badge of shame" <--(but I hope not)!
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
  4. Re1n1er

    Re1n1er Forum Apprentice

    the last few days ive seen a lot of bots even in the lower maps
  5. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    I reached out to support about the debuff. "Becky" responded 2 days later and regurgitates the original gotcha post and adds they can add as much as they feel like. No mention of what type of bot or any incident where I used any bot at all. Cowards!
  6. vs.vagskarm

    vs.vagskarm Forum Apprentice

    They will never catch all the botters that have thousands of dragon fires level 2. You know why ? Because they are their friends and they are untouchable. So stop spending money and let BP income be only from admins friends.
  7. they have no proof and its allways the same unless you take it further and get the online gamming involved like ive had to before for a similar problem regarding this company removing a couple of selected players from an event ranking in the last minutes of the event and accused them of cheatting on a group map yet 5 players entered the group map every time toghether yet only 2 english players was removed from the ranking not the other 3 german players from group and accused us of cheating the group map i took further and bp couldnt prove nothing then but luckily i had screen shoots of tables throughout as i have no trust in this company and won this would be the same if i could be bothered to take it further but id rather put that time into summut more constructive than some game thats allways had problems they cant fix and use others as scapegoats,

    and yes the real exploiters are still on the water the same every so called bot wave script they tell you identifies them lol there isnt not detection just devs doing manually to any random account they feel fit to,

    as i say i dont really play my main any more so why would i need to exploit on it hahaha il sit out your problem its not a problem to me it just reassures me why i would never support this game and play freely
  8. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    I would like to remind pirates this thread is for feedback on the Gotcha! debuff; the values of the debuff, future improvements to it, etc. What this thread is not for, is if you have been caught by the debuff script to complain about being caught - that needs to go to Support. If it does continue in here, then we shall have no choice to be start issuing reply restrictions for 7 days on this thread to the individuals misusing this thread.

    The debuff has been applied to accounts that have been detected as using an external program, granted not all have been caught in this wave, but the developers are working to catch those as well. There was no random selection, no favoritism, it did not depend on money spent or how large your boat was, nor any other of the theories being placed in here.

    I would also like to remind players not to believe everything other players are saying in here, nobody is going to admit to using an external program, especially in a public forum, and will of course say they did nothing wrong. We can guarantee the individuals whom have received the debuff have been caught correctly.

    babenewport likes this.
  9. vs.vagskarm

    vs.vagskarm Forum Apprentice

    Speaking for searching, please find how is it possible to shoot a player with burning ice ammo, using above 600 canons and shoot 10.000 critical damage. And yes we can't video record all day to have proof. Maybe you should have a service that is examining the status for every ship and when you find something above the limits, catch it too...
  10. Sec4Life

    Sec4Life Forum Greenhorn

    lol people get caught they cry. people dont get caught they cry lol. this should be cry room lol so many cry lol lmao all cry grow up. mods u do great job so much crying u guys deal with lmao u should have cry penalty all these people would stop lol
  11. ☠FIREBALL☠

    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

  12. Loki162

    Loki162 Padavan

    If their accts. are deleted as they should be tehy will have to buy back all their pkgs. and premiums making big point more money
  13. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    we already have empty at sea no boats
  14. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    People have cost on this game several hundred 1000 eu unfair to do something now they would have done it from the beginning not let people shop shop cure and swear It would last completely strange I think it at least allows it for everyone to cure or comes out with a Message ex that from today. tomorrow we will not allow a boat but then they have to think and do it again !!!! Now I think it's a bit of a double standard to go shopping so bp get their money and cure Maybe you can Maybe not! Must be clearly handy and warning about it!
    /translat english sorry for this
  15. *Edit*

    sort it out

    [Any suspicious behaviour has to be sent to Support]
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 23, 2022
  16. vs.vagskarm

    vs.vagskarm Forum Apprentice

    Now lets see if you will search for bot players, that your friends are in top of the ranking list.
  17. -Ρŕįєşť-

    -Ρŕįєşť- Someday Author

    these players need there accounts deleted and have perm ip bans these joke buffs they receive doesnt stop them and the programs there using are game breaking.. how can normal players compete in events or even just sailing around questing against a player/players using 5+ ships working as one all with programs running along with the individual ships with programs running making them hit harder take less damage etc etc. the level this has got to is game breaking and needs to be addressed!
    metaxa*fmf and Loki162 like this.
  18. getov97

    getov97 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello I play in Germany 3, and there is a lot of bots in this server including in England 1 and Germany 4, and everyone know who is this bots but no one want to ban them, why? All bots are from 4-5 guilds... As -Ρŕįєşť- said thtere is 5 ships who act like 1, attack on the same time the same target, use amulets on the same time...
    Loki162 likes this.
  19. I hope a debuff is being run for the previous event/road to Atlantis before tomorrows event starts
  20. Thinking more in depth, can players be put on ban, untill ships have been investigated on clear evidence, in effect your not removing the players rights, your just acting upton T&Cs till that players been reveiwed, (example) little timmy and his 5 boats been recorded for 5mins on sentinel/auto target bigpoint moderators ban them access from the water until community teams/ devs reveiw it?
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