Feedback Debuff for Bot Using

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seren, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. _-walker-_

    _-walker-_ Forum Apprentice

    really many players use autotarget/sentinel and i dont know what else war program can doo more,sky is the limit i something company,ASAP, 74/282/59 server.and that *hit is continue for long time.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. vs.vagskarm

    vs.vagskarm Forum Apprentice

    count with how many canons a ship enters the rift, and stop saying that you can't find who is cheating.
  3. Check what ships are doing quests IE lamp buffs activating 4 buffs in one go
    vs.vagskarm likes this.
  4. Vippussуcаt

    Vippussуcаt Forum Greenhorn

    Remove the good final rewards booty bags from the ships they got, both divine and adastral bags.
  5. war-dog

    war-dog Junior Expert
    ??????????? i saw ship with debuff run, shoot like they have not debuff... i mean like they are not punishment and play normaly i can give you id!!
    and something else, i dont care if they are ally or enemy with me , why the sh@t a 1 guild players have the debuff with perma slow and the other guild players have the icon debuff and play normal ???? what is rwong with that bigpoint??? i wait your answers!
  6. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    To support your argument, awhile back I encountered the same situation. (I have played 13 years this July, and in Battle Points my rank is Captain First Class. I am no beginner boat). Yet a known cheater took me on *with the debuff* and blew me away. More than once. Something wasn't holding him back like it should have been.
  7. war-dog

    war-dog Junior Expert

    thank you @The*Defiant for your support!
    so something go very wrong here with debuffs!! they share a threat about debuffs what exactly is (-hp , -speed, -damage...) but what we see? just 1 icon and full normal play!!! if you do something do it correct i feel like there is discrimination!!!
    The*Defiant likes this.
  8. EF-Leder

    EF-Leder Forum Apprentice

    14 days for cheating???Why not 3 month,then 6 month,then 12 month??:D I got 1 month chat ban because I wrote that I havent been on my ship and therefor couldnt have been sunked as written in my log book.I wrote something that could have happen, on forum, but what did I get for that writing???? 1 MONTH chat ban!o_O:confused::D Yes very fair game.:rolleyes:
    babenewport and The*Defiant like this.
  9. SonOfBlackSea≈[C⋆]

    SonOfBlackSea≈[C⋆] Active Author

    tittle is "Punishment for Bot Using".
    i think not all recived debuff right now, cause other bot player still stay on rank, and player with using bot still can take 2 lamp buff and normal playing.
    and how about remove from event rank? player get many booty bag and upgrade to lvl 30 gems, its can't be removed??.
    Players who get a lot of points are removed from the rankings, the problem with the player with 2 lamp buffs until now is still left alone.
    look back, there are still many problems that have not been followed up.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
    The*Defiant likes this.
  10. FoxyBandit

    FoxyBandit Forum Greenhorn

    and how about remove from event rank? player get many booty bag and upgrade to lvl 30 gems, its can't be removed??.
    xou cant take most damage for calops with bot
    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
  12. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    found another
  13. I don't see the resolve to the bot problem simply being a debuff. Why can't BP just look at statistics and see what is possible for a player to do? For the rift map, there is a fixed amount of hit points for each wave. Using maximum values, it would be fairly easy to see what the fastest time possible would be. I know my ship is not maxed out, but I am getting close and I think times around 20 minutes to complete the map are reasonable....maybe 18 minutes with a fully loaded ship...maybe...but times sub 15 minutes? I don't think it is possible (willing to be proven wrong). Same goes with monthly rewards...I play a lot and manage to be in the top 100 most of the time...but there are players with 10 times more accumulated points than I have. These players should just lose the rewards. Simple.
    The recent cheats that allow players to have, seemingly, super powers...should be addressed in a different way. Farming is one thing, but having defense, attack, and speed limits enhanced should really be dealt with by a debuff that lasts for a minimum of a month and/or accounts being suspended for the same time. When these accounts are released, they should be monitored for further use of programs.
    It sounds complicated, but in the first instance, it is simply an algorithm that checks possibility limits. Not all that complicated for scrip writers. Regarding players who are using ‘enhanced powers’ programs, it would simply be required for BP to follow up on player complaints or writing a script that detects the program use. I know I have encountered players and they seem normal…then they run away and return sinking me in two or three shots. Their damage and defense capabilities have, obviously, been enhanced.
  14. you need to implement de buffs before events, and actually take 20% of crowns, pearls, safanad, yulong coins so it actually becomes worth while them debuffed, rather then waiting for them to bot the hell out of the event then at the end of it when theres no event for a week or 2 too then introduce a debuff its pointless. I also Urge and reiterate again, currencies need to be allocated per server, Euros and pounds for ms6 if little johnny wants cheaper payment go play on turkish server dont let them have turkish prices on a UK server consumer rights are being violated here
  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    An excellent post, mate!:)
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  16. will community managers or john rackham reply rather then support team all the time
  17. Absolute jokes, 5 days in and still no de buff been ran, literally better of promoting the bot and letting players use it without repercussions.

    will the mods/BA tell the people in Hamburg to get on forums rather then developing a game for bots
  18. Also on the topic,m can ytou keep doubling the time on the de buff, so now youve issued players this de buff 14 days at a time and there now happy for a 3rd can you de buff them for 42 days being 6 weeks rather then 2
  19. LeTs ReLeAsE AnOtHeR EvEnT aNd NoT rUn A dEbUfF FoR CuRrEnT EvEnT. So stupid, saddening disheartening, tell developers to wake up forward that for some advice
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